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deseven edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 4 revisions

First of all, download the latest vodka release and put it in your site root directory or one above it if you plan to have many vodka-powered websites. Alternatively just clone the master branch, i try to keep it stable anyway. Then create an empty index.php, this would be our main file.

Start with some basic engine parameters (don't forget to replace base_url with your real site url):

$params["system"] = array(
	"base_url"    => "",
	"show_errors" => true

Continue by defining your template (if you don't have it you can grab demo template here or learn how to make one):

$params["templates"] = array(
	"myCoolTemplate" => "tpl/myCoolTemplate"

We also need a menu, change the html code to something that suits your template:

$params["menu"] = array(
	"html" => '<li><a href="{VODKA:URL}" id="{VODKA:NAME}" class="{VODKA:CLASS}">{VODKA:TITLE}</a></li>',
	"selected_class" => "selected"

The next step is to include the class file and to initialize vodka:

require "../vodka.class.php"; // change it accordingly
$vodka = new vodka($params);

After that we will load the template and the page, build the menu and then output the generated page:


That's it!

Check the demo sources and other documentation pieces to get some advanced usage examples.

Have fun with vodka! :)

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