GPS Clock redeveloped with buttons and dual-core processing.
- ESP32
- BH1750 (Light Sensor)
- AHT25 (Temperature and Humidity)
- GPS Neo 6m
- ST7920 128X64 LCD Display
- Buzzer
- 3x Buttons
- LiFePO4 AAA 80mAh cell (for longer GPS memory backup)
- TP5000 Charging circuit
- BMS (for the cell) and diode (IN4007)
- Wires and other stuff (like Prototyping board, connectors, switch etc.. as needed)
- Used a PVC box (used for electrical fixtures) as a frame for the clock (I do not have a 3d printer)
- Used metal cutters in the drilling machine for cutting out holes.
- Fixed the display using hot glue
- make a transparent yet sealed window for the light sensor using hot glue
Check Issues