The purpose of this library is to provide a set of pre-build artifacts that conform to the key elements of Clean Architecture as described by Uncle Bob [here.](https://blog.cleancoder. com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html) If you are unfamiliar with the concept please see this presentation.
Many implementations that claim to pick up the mantle lack the ideas of a Presenter, Use Case and inversion of control. They instead have a fairly procedural approach where the controller instantiates an object or calls a function where either are directly invoked, waits for a response, handles errors (maybe a middleware does that), creates a new response and sends it over the wire. The result is a hard-to-test set of assumptions and coupling.
Clean, as its name implies, works to stratify your code into isolated chunks that coordinate via Dependency Injection. A controller gets a dependency injector passed to it to create Use Cases and Presenters. Those in turn have parts injected into them like a Repository to get data. Those Repositories are defined by interfaces. The Use Case doesn't care that the Repository interacts with a Database, nor does it care if it's calling a ReST service. The domain defines the interface of what it needs, and something, somewhere implements that interface, is properly constructed and injected into the Use Case.
Behind the scenes you can get fancy with the DI system. You can use Unit of Work to coordinate multiple changes like writing to more than one collection in an ArangoDB or completing a database transaction and deleting temp files.
Since Go lacks the ability to have test dependencies, this project does not have a working rest or web example. However, it does have examples for simple use cases and uses cases with a repositories and dependency injection.
Sometimes creating a whole struct for a use case is overkill. You might need
a short operation for architectural purity (you want a use case but it only call
a simple service). You might want to create a stubbed use case for testing purposes.
That's where FunctionalUseCase
comes in. Pass it a function that takes the
appropriate generic input and presenter. It invokes everything appropriately, allowing
you to get your code out faster.