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A custom uploader for ShareX and others written in Python

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ShareX Uploader

A custom uploader for ShareX images and files for your server written in Python with Flask. Currently in beta, there may be some issues. If you do find any please raise a GH issue to let me know

Setting up and running the server

These steps are for NGINX users. Apache users can find links to their own steps at the footer. Users running this off of serverless solutions like Heroku should consult their service's documentation for how to deploy.

  1. Run sudo apt update then Install the required Python packages with: sudp apt install python3-pip python3-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-setuptools (how you acquire them depends on your distribution)
  2. Run sudo apt install python3-venv.
  3. Visit your directory of choice where you wish the project to be located on your server and run git clone
  4. CD into the directory with cd ShareX-Uploader
  5. Open server/config.json in your text editor of choice. This is where your client secret will be stored.
  6. Make sure your client secret is long and stored safely. A password generator site like this one, or the generator tool in your password manager software can be used to create a long key.
  7. Save the config file and cd back to the projects root directory
  8. Run python3 -m venv sharexupload-env, then source sharexupload-env/bin/activate. Your prompt should change to something along the lines of (sharexupload-env)user@host.
  9. Now it's time to install the pip packages that make the server work - run pip3 install -r pip.txt to install them.
  10. Test that uwsgi installed properly by running uwsgi --socket --protocol=http -w wsgi:app and checking in your browser that a 404 message returns with http://your_server_ip:5000. You can change the 5000 port to anything else, if you want to.
  11. Exit the env by running deactivate, and enter ShareXUploader.service in the text editor of your choice.
  12. Change ADD_USER_HERE and all instances of USER_HERE to your username.
  13. Change all instances of ADD_DIRECTORY_HERE to where you cloned the repository. (e.g /home/pyxlwuff/ShareX-Uploader/)
  14. Change all instances of ENV_FOLDER to sharexupload-env

Configuring SystemD and NGINX

  1. Copy the resulting .service file to /etc/systemd/system/
  2. Run sudo systemctl start ShareXUploader and then sudo systemctl enable ShareXUploader
  3. Check the status to ensure there's no errors by running sudo systemctl status ShareXUploader. If there are any errors, ensure to correct them before continuing and restarting the service with sudo systemctl restart ShareXUploader.service
  4. Now that we know our server is up and running, we can now configure our NGINX endpoint. Create a new file with sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/sharex-uploader
  5. Copy the following block below, replacing your_domain with the domain of your choice, and DIRECTORY_HERE with where you stored the repository:
    listen 80;
    server_name your_domain www.your_domain;

    location / {
        include uwsgi_params;
        uwsgi_pass unix:DIRECTORY_HERE/ShareXUploader/app.sock;
  1. Run sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/sharex-uploader /etc/nginx/sites-enabled to link it to the sites-enabled directory, making it resolvable, followed by sudo nginx -t to test the configuration is OK. If you get any errors, make sure to resolve them first.
  2. Restart nginx with sudo systemctl restart nginx, then navigate to your domain to see if it worked! (You should see a file not found error - this is normal)

Setting up ShareX

  1. Download the example template here
  2. Double click it and select "yes" on the prompt that shows up


  1. Your custom upload defaults should now change to the template you just imported. Begin by editing the Request URL to your domain.


  1. Add the secret you added to your server's config.json earlier into the form value.


  1. Scroll down to the URL section and change to your domain.


  1. Click the "Test" button next to Image uploader and see if you get a response. If you get something similar to the screenshot below, you're good to go! Otherwise, you might need to check your secret or URL settings. If it's not that, it might be something on the server.


Other server instructions

If you use another solution like Apache, you can find instructions tailored to your server here:

Note that as said earlier if you use a serverless service like Heroku to host this, you will need to consult your service's documentation for the best way to deploy without issues.