This project uses the followings:
- React framework: NextJS
- React UI library: MUI, Emotion
- Component driven development: Storybook
- Calling API: Axios, React Query
- State management: Recoil
This project is based on NodeJS
, so you need the NodeJS
environment. The nvm is a Node Version Manager
. you can manage the NodeJS
environment with nvm
First, install nvm
on your system.
- macOS:
brew install nvm
- windows:
And, execute the following command to install NodeJS
nvm install
The version written in the .nvmrc
file of NodeJS
will be installed.
You can copy the .env.development
to .env.local
for local development.
cp .env.development .env.local
There are some linters to check the code style. And they will be executed when the pull request is created.
So, if you want to pass CI/CD
faster, it's better to use Lefthook to execute the linters on the local machine.
Execute the following command to configure Lefthook
lefthook install
After it, the linters will be executed every time you commit on the local.
We use many linters to check the code style and make the clean code. If you want to check them on your machine, try to the following instructions.
You can execute the ESLint by the following command to check JavaScript
or TypeScript
npm run lint
You can execute the Stylelint by the following command to check CSS
or CSS-in-JS
npm run lint:css
You can execute the remark-lint by the following command to check Markdown
npm run lint:md
You can execute Prettier to check and format the code by executing the following command.
npm run format
npm run format:fix
You can execute the CSpell by the following command to check Typo
npm run check:spell
You can run the test code by the following command.
npm test
This project uses Storybook for the component-driven development.
You can see Storybook
by the following command.
npm run storybook
And, open http://localhost:6006/ in your browser.
There is a sample component for the project.
- Sample Button:
The component has three files.
: this file is the implementation of the component.index.test.tsx
: this file is the test file for the component.index.stories.tsx
: this file is the storybook file for the component.
And, there is the __snapshots__
folder that is the result of the Jest snapshot test. So, you don't need to modify it manually.