Export your WordPress Posts to Hugo! Unfortunatly, my blog was created with Divi and Divi Code Snippet plugin (et_pb_dmb_code_snippet) so I can write a custom export. The Code Snippet plugin save your data in base64 for example.
- Open the Solution WPToGOHugo.Console.sln
- In the project WPToGOHugo.TestConsole use the class DownloadPHPPage and call the method Run()
- Get the PHP Page and copy in your wordpress web site as post2json.php (base root folder - the same of wp-config.php file)
- Try in your browser https://YourSite.EXT/post2json.php (*)
- Back to WPToGOHugo.TestConsole
- Set the URL (*) as first argument
- Run the tool
- Open the Build folder and inside "Output" you can see your wordpress's post in the new format!