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Examples for various

  • boards ( arduino nano, stm32 )
  • frameworks ( arduino, stm32duino, mbed )
  • development environments ( vscode arduino, platformio )


git clone
cd iot-examples
code arduino/ledblink




  • prerequisites
  • troubleshoot
    • avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync uploading on arduino nano ; set "configuration": "cpu=atmega328old", on .vscode/arduino.json
    • usb permission error on linux: add your user to dialout group and set /etc/udev/rules.d/99-arduino-usb.rules to automodify arduino serial permission with follow ( check your idVendor:idProduct through lsusb ) SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1a86", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7523", MODE="0666"
  • debug
    • using Serial.print through USB cable
    • C-S-p Arduino: Upload then C-S-p Arduino: Open Serial Monitor
  • increase build speed setting .vscode/arduino.json with { "output": "./build" }


examples (mbed)

examples (arduino)


  • prerequisites
  • troubleshoot
    • receive conflicted extension arduino go to vscode extensions and from arduino ext select from dropdown Disable (Workspace)
    • receive Error: init mode failed (unable to connect to the target) on upload ; solve by hit RESET btn until yellow srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst not appears on terminal
    • receive [upload] Error even Verified OK ; watch at monitor C-A-s and press RESET to retry start program
    • receive Warn : UNEXPECTED idcode: 0x2ba01477 ; Error: expected 1 of 1: 0x1ba01477 ; can set upload_flags = -c set CPUTAPID 0x2ba01477 on platformio.ini
  • debug
    • using printf output go to monitor ( C-S-p PlatformIO: Serial Monitor ) ; it goes over usb cable used for programming to stlink connector
    • through C-S-p PlatformIO: Start Debugging ( working for platformio 5.0.4 )

troubleshoot debug

  • do a platformio/cleanup before

  • with platformio/upload receive

xPack OpenOCD, x86_64 Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-00378-ge5be992df (2020-06-26-09:27)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
debug_level: 1

srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst

Error: init mode failed (unable to connect to the target)
in procedure 'program'
** OpenOCD init failed **
shutdown command invoked

*** [upload] Error 1
  • solve that by hitting RESET btn until srst_only separate srst_nogate srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst then release and upload goes fine

  • hit F5 to debug ( set a breakpoint on an instruction to check )

  • if use DigitalOut on alternate function pins SWDIO/SWCLK may have problem during reset just after upload ( for example, avoid to use PA13, PA14 on STM32F446RE as DigitalOut )




  • prerequisites
  • connect STLINK V2 ( 4 wires 3.3-swdio-swclk-gnd )
  • debug
    • using Serial.print
      • bluepill: through USB-TTL connected to serial (eg. stm32f103c8 pins A9,A10)
      • nucleo64/144: through usb cable ( /dev/ttyACM0 )
      • then C-S-p Arduino: Upload then C-S-p Arduino: Open Serial Monitor
    • with active debugger setting .vscode/launch.json ( see hello-world example ) then press F5
  • troubleshoot
    • if receive Send Event AD7MessageEvent on debug console try to run corresponding openocd with arguments given from debug console to test board connection; may you got Warn : UNEXPECTED idcode: 0x2ba01477 and Error: expected 1 of 1: 0x1ba01477 that you can fix in .vscode/launch.json by setting "debugServerArgs": "-f interface/stlink-v2.cfg -c \"set CPUTAPID 0x2ba01477\" -f target/stm32f1x.cfg",
    • if debugger start but breakpoint still grayed double check .vscode/arduino.json and see if "configuration" contains opt=ogstd that is Optimize for Debug (-g) while default is Optimize for Smallest (-Os default) on opt=osstd.
    • board:arduino nano
      • if upload fails check on .vscode/arduino.json if "configuration": "cpu=atmega328old"


note: to open dwg qcad can be used.

arduino nano V3

  • pinout
  • CPU 16Mhz / SRAM 2KB / EEPROM 1KB / FLASH 32KB
  • power supply types
    • USB cable
    • VIN pin (unregulated 7-12V) to AMS1117-5.0
    • 5V pin (regulated 5V)
  • max current
    • I/O pins (40mA)
    • 3.3V pin (50mA) from CH340
  • 2 x hardware interrupt
  • 8 x 10bit ADC
  • 6 x PWM

nucleo-64 F446RE

  • pinout
  • CPU 180Mhz / SRAM 128KB / EEPROM 0KB / FLASH 512KB
  • power supply types
    • USB cable (300mA max)
    • VIN CN6/pin8 or CN7/pin24 (unregulated 7-12V ; max 800mA)
    • E5V CN7/pin6 (regulated 5V ; max 500mA)
    • 3V3 CN6/pin4 or CN7/pin12 (regulated 3V3) [stlink debug unavail]
  • max current
    • I/O pins (25mA ; total 120mA)
    • 3.3V pin (240mA)
  • hardware interrupt on all digital pin
  • 3 x 12bit ADC
  • 2 x 12bit DAC

nucleo-144 F767ZI

  • pinout
  • CPU 216Mhz / SRAM 512KB / EEPROM 0KB / FLASH 2048KB
  • power supply types
    • USB cable (300mA max)
    • VIN CN8/pin15 or CN11/pin24 (unregulated 7-12V ; max 800mA if VIN=7V ; max 450mA if 9>VIN>7 ; max 250mA if 12>VIN>9)
    • E5V CN11/pin6 (regulated 5V in 4.75-5.25V ; max 500mA)
    • 3V3 CN8/pin7 or CN11/pin6 (regulated 3V3 in 3-3.6V) [stlink debug unavail]
  • max current
    • I/O pins (25mA ; total 120mA)
    • 3.3V pin (420mA)
  • hardware interrupt on all digital pin
  • 3 x 12bit ADC
  • 2 x 12bit DAC

raspberry pi 4