Translate App
- Nextjs - The React Framework for the Web.
- Typescript - JavaScript with syntax for types.
- TailwindCSS + shadcn/ui & Radix Primitives - Design System.
- use-debounce - A React hook for debouncing events.
- Zod - Schema declaration and validation library.
- Bun - A fast JavaScript runtime, package manager and bundler.
- ai - AI framework for TypeScript.
- Vercel - Deploy your app anywhere.
- Vercel Analytics - Analytics for Vercel.
- pdf-parse - Convert PDF to Text.
- 📄 Translate text.
- 📷 Translate images.
- 📕 Translate documents (PDFs).
You will need:
- Clone this repository locally:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
# Install bun globally if you don't have it:
npm install -g bun
# and install dependencies:
bun install
- Run the development server:
bun run dev