Boosting my knowledge to up to speed. This contains exercise files and my own notes alongside with them.
Mini projects which are worth of showing are bolded in The Major Projects
All course material from The Web Developer Boot camp 2023 by Colt Steele If the content sparked 🔥 your interest, please consider buying the course and start learning 📖
Insert certificate here when completed
Note: The material provided in this repository is only for helping those who may get stuck at any point of time in the course. It is very advised that no one should just copy the solutions(violation of Honor Code) presented here.
Official answers here
- Section 01 - Course Orientation
- Section 02 - An Introduction to Web Development
- Section 03 - HTML: The Essentials
- Section 04 - HTML: Next Steps & Semantics
- Section 05 - HTML: Forms & Tables
- Section 06 - CSS: The Very Basics
- Section 07 - The World of CSS Selectors
- Section 08 - The CSS Box Model
- Section 09 - Other Assorted Useful CSS Properties
- Section 10 - Responsive CSS & Flexbox
- Section 11 - Pricing Panel Project
- Section 12 - CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap
- Section 13 - OPTIONAL Museum Of Candy Project
- Section 14 - JavaScript Basics!
- Section 15 - JavaScript Strings and More
- Section 16 - JavaScript Decision Making
- Section 17 - JavaScript Arrays
- Section 18 - Section 18: JavaScript Object Literals
- Section 19 - Section 19: Repeating Stuff With Loops
- Section 20 - Introduction Function. Tee tehtävät kun aikaa!
- Section 21 - Leveling Up Our Function
- Section 22 - Callbacks & Array Methods
- Section 23 - Newer JavaScript Features
- Section 24 - Introducing The World Of The DOM selvitä pieni TODO
- Section 25 - The Missing Piece: DOM Events
- Section 26 - Score Keeper CodeAlong
- Section 27 - Async JavaScript: Oh Boy!
- Section 28 - AJAX and API's
- Section 29 - Prototypes, Classes, & OOP
- Section 30 - Mastering The Terminal
- Section 31 - Our First Brush With Node
- Section 32 - Exploring Modules The NPM Universe
- Section 33 - Creating Servers With Express
- Section 34 - Creating Dynamic HTML With Templating
- Section 35 - Defining RESTful Routes TODO kts miten hostataan .ejs tiedostoja ja yksi todo
- Section 36 - Our First Database: MongoDB
- Section 37 - Connecting To Mongo With Mongoose
- Section 38 - Putting It All Together: Mongoose With Express
- Section 39 - YelpCamp: Campgrounds CRUD
- Section 40 - Middleware: The Key To Express
- Section 41 - YelpCamp: Adding Basic Styles
- Section 42 - Handling Errors In Express Apps
- Section 43 - YelpCamp: Errors & Validating Data
- Section 44 - Data Relationships With Mongo
- Section 45 - Mongo Relationships With Express
- Section 46 - YelpCamp: Adding The Reviews Model
- Section 47 - Express Router & Cookies
- Section 48 - Express Session & Flash
- Section 49 - YelpCamp: Restructuring & Flash
- Section 50 - Authentication From "Scratch"
- Section 51 - YelpCamp: Adding In Authentication
- Section 52 - YelpCamp: Basic Authorization
- Section 53 - YelpCamp: Controllers & Star Ratings
- Section 54 - YelpCamp: Image Upload
- Section 55 - YelpCamp: Adding Maps
- Section 56 - YelpCamp: Fancy Cluster Map
- Section 57 - YelpCamp: Styles Clean Up
- Section 58 - YelpCamp: Common Security Issues
- Section 59 - YelpCamp: Deploying
- Section 60 - Introducing React
- Section 61 - JSX In Detail
- Section 62 - Local React Apps With Vite
- Section 63 - Working With Props
- Section 64 - Shopping List Demo: keys, prop types, and more!
- Section 65 - React Events
- Section 66 - The Basics of React State
- Section 67 - Intermediate State Concept
- Section 68 - Component Design
- Section 69 - React Forms
- Section 70 - Effects
- Section 71 - Material UI
- Section 72 - Building a Todo List With Material UI & Local Storage
- Section 73 - BONUS: Fancy, More Advanced Todolist
- Section 03 Exercises
- Section 5 Exercises
- Section 7 Exercises
- Section 8 Exercises
- Section 9 Exercises
- Section 24 Exercises
- Section 25 Exercises
- 59_Exercise
- 60_Exercise
- Random Color ← Random Color game
- Section 28 Exercises
- TV Search App ← TV Show Search App
- Section 32 Exercises
- Language Dedection App TODO selvitä heikki miten node appi saadaan juostua tai demonstroitua
- Section 61 Exercises
- Random Pokemon Card ← Random Pokémon card
- Section 63 Exercises
- Game Slot Game ← Potato fruit game
- Section 64 Exercises
- Section 65 Exercises
- Section 66 Exercies
- Section 67 Exercies
- Todo kts tehtävät ja lisäää
- Todo muuta tehtävien nimetydehnmukaiseksi ja katso nuoli ja boldaus
- Todo joku css liittyvä projekti ja linkkaa tänne, niin saa ajattua opit loppuun asti
- TODO katso tehtävät lävitse listtaan
- TODO typot ja formatointi. Katso tätä systemaattisesti eteenpäin: 1,2,3,4,5
- TODO selvitä ja siivoa node_modules pois
FROM OLD COURSE FROM HERE ONE, RawGit got deprecated, some links migrated to HTML preview and work
Section 03 Exercises
Section 04 Exercises
Section 05 Exercises
Section 06 Exercises
- 1_Exercise
- 3_Exercise <-- Simple blog
Section 07 Exercises
- 1_Exercise <-- Image gallery using Bootstrap
- 2_Exercise <-- Startup page with Bootstrap
Section 08 Exercises
IS needed?
const person = {
firstName: 'Viggo',
lastName: 'Mortensen',
fullName: function () {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
shoutName: function () {
setTimeout(() => {
//keyword 'this' in arrow functions refers to the value of 'this' when the function is created
}, 3000)