Laravel Quickstart is a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured to extend a full-fledged application. We tried to make it as minimal as possible.
- Separate Views, Routes, Controllers directories for Frontend(Public Interface) and Backend(Admin Interface)
- Both Frontend and Backend utilizes TailwindCSSv3 as frontend framework
- Ready-made pages for Authentication/User Management/ Roles/Permission Management/ Log-viewer/ Notifications Management
- User Management Laravel Fortify package, with social login Socialite, API Authentication using Laravel Sanctum and Roles and Permissions Spatie Laravel Permissions package
- Integrated Log Viewer
- Integrated Laravel Debugbar as dev-dependency
- Preconfigured BrowserSync
- User Impersonation using Laravel Impersonate
- UUID Generator
- Breadcrumbs implementation using Laravel Breadcrumbs
- Icons Library using Laravel-Icons
- Event Listeners Implementation for Various User Events as example to encourage devs to implement more as required
- Multiple helper functions
- Useful Model Traits
- User Activity Log
- Multilingual Scaffolding
- User Timezone
- Implementation of User and Roles/Permission Factories and Seeders
- Least JavaScript (No jQuery) as we love working with AlpineJS
- Utilises SEO Tags (OpenGraph Facebook, Twitter Tags)
- Implementation and Scaffolding of SEO Tags using Google Tags Manager
- Progressive Web App (PWA) implementation out of the box
- Tailor-made plethora of laravel blade components to make your development life a breeze
We tried to bootstrap any requirement your application may have, yet we are open to discuss adding more.
Choose your preferred method
- Download Zipped Archive.
- Clone from GitHub
git clone
Laravel-QuickStart has a .env.example file in the root of the project.
Rename .env.example to .env make sure that the .env file must be in root directory. Open .env file in your preferred choice of editor and add database credentials.
Database configuration
Also, don't forget to set up mail configuration.
Note: Make sure your operating system is configured to display hidden files to show .env file.
In order to install php composer dependencies you first need to set up composer on your operating system. Once your system is compatible with php composer run the following command in your Terminal/ Windows Command Prompt/ Windows powershell/ git bash.
composer install
This will set your APP_KEY in your .env file
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
if you also want to import demo users, permissions, and roles run:
php artisan db:seed
In order to install JavaScript dependencies in your application you will need to install Node Package Manager and optionally you can use yarn to install them.
Once you have NPM installed run this command
npm install
or if you want to install using yarn run:
If you are deploying Laravel-QuickStart on your production environment run:
npm run build
If you are deploying it on your local development computer run:
npm run dev
For the purpose of demonstration we have seeded 3 users by default that are Master, Admin and User having roles assigned for them respectively. To add more refer to Spatie Permission Package Documentation here
Password: Master@123
Password: Admin@123
Password: User@123
Laravel-QuickStart Documentation
- Attrix Technologies Global
- Attrix Technologies India
- Vijay Goswami Developer Portfolio
- CollegeFind
- Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education, Bhopal
- PSSCIVE, Bhopal - Staging Server
- Laravel-Icons
- TechnoVIJ Blog
Thank you for considering contributing to the Laravel Quick-Start project! Please feel free to make any pull requests, or e-mail me a feature request you would like to see in the future to Vijay Goswami at
The Laravel-QuickStart is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.