Dexli Watch Face is an open source watch face application for Garmin watches that tracks glucose levels, received from a dexli-backend, which is also provided as open-source project. It is written in Monkey-C and is designed to provide users with an easy-to-use and customizable interface for monitoring their glucose levels. This project is being developed in the developer's free time. For now it only supports a limited amount of watches, which may grow in the future.
- Glucose tracker for newer Garmin watches
- Customizable watch face with different colors and styles
- Easy-to-use interface for tracking and monitoring glucose levels
- Venu® Sq 2 Music
To get started with Dexli Watch Face, you'll need the following:
- A compatible Garmin watch (check the list of compatible watches in the project's repository)
- Garmin Connect app on your mobile device
- Monkey-C development environment set up on your computer
- Working backend server, which can be found here: Dexli fastify backend
Once you have the above requirements, you can follow these steps to install and use Dexli Watch Face:
- Clone the repository to your computer using Git or download the ZIP file and extract it
- Open the project in the Monkey-C development environment
- Connect your Garmin watch to your mobile device and make sure it's synced with the Garmin Connect app
- Build and deploy the project to your watch using the Monkey-C development environment
Once installed on your watch, you can use Dexli Watch Face to track and monitor your glucose levels. To customize the watch face, you can change the colors, styles, and other settings from the settings menu on your watch.
If you're interested in contributing to the development of Dexli Watch Face, you can fork the repository and make pull requests with your changes. The project's contributors will review your changes and merge them into the main branch if they're deemed to be a good fit.
Dexli Watch Face is licensed under the GPLv3.
If you have any questions or issues with Dexli Watch Face, you can open an issue on the project's repository or contact the developers directly for support.