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A docker container based for running Drupal tests in CircleCI


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Drupal Testing Container

A Docker container and template for testing individual Drupal modules with:

  • Unit and Kernel tests
  • Behat tests
  • Code standards
  • Code coverage

If you want to test a whole Drupal site, and not an individual module, see d8cidemo.


  • A Dockerfile extending the official PHP image to support Composer, Robo, and code coverage reports. Note that the container uses Composer 2.
  • Templates for jobs running with CircleCI.
  • Most of the logic is in shell scripts and Robo commands, making it easy to run under a different CI tool.

See this example repository using Drupal's node module for a live example of how this template is set up, and what sort of reports you will see in CircleCI for each job. The Elasticsearch Connector module is another good example using this template.

Getting started with CircleCI

  1. cd to the directory with your Drupal module. Make sure it's a git repository first!
  2. bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Review and commit the new files.
  4. Connect the repository to CircleCI.
  5. Add a COMPOSER_AUTH environment variable to Circle if you are using private repositories. See the composer documentation on COMPOSER_AUTH for more details.
  6. Push a branch. At this point, all jobs should run, though no tests are actually being executed.
  7. To override a given hook, copy it to your .circleci directory. Then, in the run step, copy the script to the root of the project. For example, if you need to override hooks/, the run step for the code_sniffer section would become:
     - run:
      working_directory: /var/www/html
      command: |
        cp ./modules/$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME/.circleci/ /var/www/html

Getting started with tests

If you ran these steps have been done automatically.

  1. Copy all the files and directories from templates/module to the root of your new module.
  2. Edit phpunit.core.xml.dist and set the whitelist paths for coverage reports, replacing my_module with your module name.
  3. In tests/src/Behat, replace my_module and MyModule with your module name.
  4. In your module's directory, include the required development dependencies:
    $ composer require --dev --no-update \
        cweagans/composer-patches \
        behat/mink-extension:v2.2 \
        drupal/drupal-extension:^4.0 \
        bex/behat-screenshot \
        phpmd/phpmd \
  5. Start writing tests!

Unit, Kernel, Functional, and FunctionalJavascript tests all follow the same directory structure as with Drupal contributed modules. If the Drupal testbot could run your tests, this container should too.

Tests will be executed using Make sure each test class has a proper @group annotation, and that base classes do not have one. Likewise, make sure that each test is in the proper namespace. If a Unit test is in the Kernel namespace, things will break in hard-to-debug ways.

Behat tests

Behat tests do not run on, but we store them similarly. Most Behat implementations are testing sites, and not modules, so their docs suggesting tests go in sites/default/behat don't apply. Instead, place tests in tests/src/Behat, so that you end up with:

  • tests/src/Behat
    • behat.yml
    • features/
      • my_module_settings.feature
      • bootstrap/
        • MyModuleFeatureContext.php

Behat can be buggy when using relative paths. To run your scenarios locally, run from the Drupal root directory with an absolute path to your configuration.

$ vendor/bin/behat -v -c $(pwd)/modules/my_module/tests/src/Behat/behat.yml

Debugging Behat tests

Behat is configured to use Selenium and Chrome along with a VNC server. If your CI provider allows SSH access to containers, you can forward ports to inspect the build.

In CircleCI, first rebuild the Behat job with SSH. Once you have the SSH command to run, forward ports as needed. For example, to point port 8080 on your local machine to Apache, and port 5900 to the VNC server, run:

$ <ssh command copied from the job> -L8080:localhost:80 -L5900:localhost:80

The container's site will now be available at http://localhost:8080. To log in to Drupal, use drush user-login from SSH inside of the container.

$ cd /var/www/html
$ vendor/bin/drush -l localhost:8080 user-login

Click the link that is printed out and you should be logged in as administrator.

For VNC, connect to localhost:5900 with the VNC client of your choice. The VNC password is secret. If you manually run Behat tests from within the SSH connection, you should see Chrome start and tests execute.

Overriding PHPUnit configuration

The phpunit.core.xml.dist configuration file is copied to Drupal's core directory before running tests. Feel free to edit this file in each module as needed.

Overriding PHPCS configuration

The coding standards job will run against the Drupal coding standard defined by the coder module. If you would like to customize the standard that PHPCS uses to check the code in your module, add a phpcs.xml.dist file to the root of your module. See the PHPCS docs for details on how to create such a file. An example file that's based on the Drupal standard, but has some overrides might look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ruleset name="Drupal Tests Node Example" namespace="DrupalTestsNodeExample\CS\Standard">
    <rule ref="vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal">
        <exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingReturnComment" />
        <exclude name="Drupal.Commenting.DocComment.MissingShort" />


Applying patches

Sometimes, a module needs to apply patches to Drupal or another dependency to work correctly. For example, out of the box we patch Coder to not throw errors on Markdown files. To add or remove additional patches, edit patches.json using the same format as composer-patches.

Updating templates in modules

To update to the latest release of this template, simply run again. Be sure to review for any customizations you may want to preserve. For example:

$ git checkout -b update-circleci
$ bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
$ git add -p # Add all changes you want to make.
$ git checkout -p # Remove any changes you don't want to make.
$ git status # Check for any newly added files.
$ git commit

In terms of semantic versioning, we consider the Docker image to be our "public" API. In other words, we will bump the major version (or minor pre-1.0) if updating the container also requires changes to the template files in a given module.

Testing against a new version of Drupal

The Docker container builds against the stable branch of Drupal core, such as 8.9.x and not a specific release like 8.9.16. This helps ensure tests always run with the latest security patches. If you need to reproduce a build, see your build logs for the specific image that was used:

Status: Downloaded newer image for andrewberry/drupal_tests:0.0.3
  using image andrewberry/drupal_tests@sha256:f65f0915e72922ac8db1545a76f6821e3c3ab54256709a2e263069cf8fb0d4e2

When a new minor version of Drupal is released:

  1. Update the Dockerfile to point to the latest stable PHP release, such as FROM php:7.3-apache.
  2. Update ARG DRUPAL_VERSION_CONSTRAINT in the Dockerfile to reflect the latest minor release. You could also pass this in as an argument to docker build in the next step using the --build-arg flag.
  3. Build the container locally with docker build -t drupal-8.9-test ..
  4. In a module locally, update .circleci/config.yml to with -image: drupal-8.9-test.
  5. Test locally with circleci build --job run-unit-kernel-tests and so on for each job.
  6. Submit a pull request to this repository.
  7. Update the CircleCI config to automatically rebuild the tag daily.
  8. After merging and when Docker hub has built a new tag, update your config.yml to point to it.


A docker container based for running Drupal tests in CircleCI







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