Install perl libs
yum install perl-JSON.noarch perl-Nagios-Plugin.noarch
copy file d42.cfg to Nagios configuration path (e.g: /etc/nagios/servers/)
file d42.cfg include common d 42 health command, services and host defined for Nagios configuration
copy file check_d42_health to Nagios library directory (e.g: /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/)
set permission with command chmod +x check_d42_health
uncomment next line in nagios.cfg file
perl <check_d42_health path> -H <hostname> -P <port number> -I <metric name> -c <critical threshold> -w <warn threshold> --ssl --cache=<cache expired seconds>
perl check_d42_health -H -P 4242 -I cpu_used_percent -w 10 -c 20 --cache=60
for SSL hosts
perl check_d42_health -H -P 4343 --ssl -I cpu_used_percent -w 10 -c 20 --cache=60
- -H - Hostname
- -P - Port number
- -I - Metric name
- -c - Critical threshold
- -w - Warning threshold
- -S - Enable SSL (use HTTPS protocol)
- -C - Enable cache and set cache expire time duration in seconds. Default 60
- cpu_used_percent
- dbsize
- disk_used_percent
- memtotal
- cached
- swapfree
- swaptotal
- memfree
- buffers
- UNKNOWN - Item is not defined - no item found in server respose
- UNKNOWN - Can not parse JSON received from server
- UNKNOWN - No data received from server
- CRITICAL - script execution time out
- UNKNOWN - no data for item
- UNKNOWN - item backup_status is empty, skip processing
- NORMAL - all job successfully finished
- CRITICAL - backup job ran with errors