Device42 is a comprehensive data center inventory management and IP Address management software that integrates centralized password management, impact charts and applications mappings with IT asset management.
This script migrates data (models:building, room, rack, hardware, device, ip) from OpenDCIM to Device42.
* python 2.7.x
* pymysql (you can install it with pip install pymysql)
* requests (you can install it with pip install requests or apt-get install python-requests)
* allow remote connections to OpenDCIM MySQL port
Any missing requirements should be able to be installed with pip (ie, pip install pymysql) or your package manager (ie, apt-get install python-pymysql)
In, modify the MySQL Source and Device42 upload settings to fit your environment.
# ====== MySQL Source (OpenDCIM) ====== #
DB_IP = 'OpenDCIM server IP'
DB_NAME = 'OpenDCIM database name'
DB_USER = 'OpenDCIM database user'
DB_PWD = 'OpenDCIM database password'
# ====== Log settings ==================== #
LOGFILE = 'migration.log'
DEBUG = True # write debug log
# ====== Device42 upload settings ========= #
D42_USER = 'device42 user'
D42_PWD = 'device42 password'
D42_URL = 'https:// device42 server IP address'
DRY_RUN = False # if True we don't send any REST requests
Run the script and enjoy! (python
If you have any questions - feel free to reach out to us at support at
* Script runs on Linux and Windows
* Order of function calls in main() function is important. Do not change it!
For example: subnets must be migrated before IP addresses in order for addresses to join appropriate subnets.
* Devices that are not based on device template are not going to be migrated
* TemplateID (openDCIM) == Hardware Model (Device42)
* Racks without height, are not going to be migrated