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Golang AMQP wrapper is a library that wraps amqp.

Check out the docs.


  • Auto-reconnect to brocker and auto redeclare exchanges and queues.
  • Control channels lifecycle: open new on high load and close unused.
  • Declarative style.
    client, err := amqp.NewClient(
    		conn.WithLogger(lg), // We want to know connection status and errors.
    	amqp.TemporaryExchange("example-exchange"), // Declare exchanges and queues.
    		"queue for one",
    		"queue for two",
    		"second queue for two",
    		Name: "declare directly",
    		Name: "", // left empty, broker generates name for you.
    	amqp.Binding{ // do not forget to bind queue to exchange.
    		Exchange: "exchange-one",
    		Queue:    "queue for one",
    	amqp.WithLogger{Logger: lg}, // We want to know AMQP protocol errors.
  • Encoding and decoding hiden inside.
    • Use Codec interface for your format.
    • XML, JSON and Protocol Buffers (protobuf) registered yet.
  • Tons of options.
    • Min and max opened channels per publisher/subscriber.
    • Limit receiving messages.
    • Any amount of data formats.
    • Fill all message fields as you wish.
    • And more others...
  • Everything from AMQP may be used directly.


We are waiting for your issue or pull request.


package main

import (


// Data, that we want to deal with.
type Comment struct {
	Id      string
	Message string

func main() {
	ch := make(chan []interface{})
	// Listens errors and writes them to stdout.
	go func() {
		for l := range ch {
	lg := logger.NewChanLogger(ch) // Logger interface identical to go-kit Logger.
	client, err := amqp.NewClient(
			conn.WithLogger(lg), // We want to know connection status and errors.
		amqp.TemporaryExchange("example-exchange"), // Declare exchanges and queues.
		amqp.WithLogger{Logger:lg}, // We want to know AMQP protocol errors.
	if err != nil {
	subscr := client.Subscriber()
	// context used here as closing mechanism.
	eventChan := subscr.SubscribeToExchange(context.Background(),"example-exchange", Comment{}, amqp.Consumer{})
	go func() {
		for event := range eventChan {
			fmt.Println(event.Data) // do something with events
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		// Prepare your data before publishing
		comment := Comment{
			Id:      strconv.Itoa(i),
			Message: "message " + strconv.Itoa(i),
		// Context used here for passing data to `before` functions.
		err := pubsr.Publish(context.Background(), "example-exchange", comment, amqp.Publish{})
		if err != nil {
		time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 500)
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) // wait for delivering all messages.