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3. Known issues

albertdb edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 8 revisions

3.1 Installation issues

Not enough memory in the system to start the Minikube

This error may appear when setting up the virtual machine. The cause is not enough free RAM to run the Minikube VM.

Solution: free some memory by closing applications which consume lots of RAM and execute again the failing script.

3.2 Post-install issues

Podman cannot access the VM

PS > podman images
Error: failed to create sshClient: Connection to bastion host (ssh://docker@ failed.: dial tcp i/o timeout

Possible causes:

  • Minikube VM is shut down, use minikube status to see the state of the VM. If it is stopped, use minikube start. If it is started, see next possible cause.

  • Minikube VM has been restarted, when restarting the VM got a new IP, but Podman tries to connect to old IP. You can load again the Powershell profile to get it configured correctly with & $PROFILE.

  • You are connected to the VPN, which makes VM unreachable. There is currently no solution to this apart from disconnecting from the VPN.

Cannot pull image

In some cases you might get an error when pulling images from a repository because the certificate is not recognized.

Solution: Modify the registries.conf file (located at %APPDATA%\podman-2.2.1\conf). Initially, the file content should look like this:

registries = ['']

registries = ['']

To authorize connection to another repository you have to add it to the list (in this example we authorized two registries):

registries = ['']

registries = ['registry.example']
registries = ['registry2.example2']

Then, execute the command copy_registry_conf. If you ever minikube stop and minikube start, you will need to execute the command again.