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MySQL slow log analyzer. Alternative to pt-query-digest.


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Alternative to pt-query-digest.

Go Report Card MIT Licence


dw-query-digest reads slow query logs files and extracts a number of statistics. It can list top queries sorted by specific metrics.

It is reasonably fast and can process ~450k slow-log lines per second.

A 470MB slow query log containing 10M lines took approx 150s with pt-query-digest and approx 23s with dw-query-digest (6x faster).

dw-query-digest normalizes SQL queries so identical queries can be aggregated in a report.

See also for an alternative implementation conatianing a log replayer.



Grab binary releases on Github.

bin/dw-query-digest [options] <file>


Requires Go 1.12+.

bin/dw-query-digest [options] <file>


To run using Docker:

cd where_your_slow_query_log_is
docker run -v $(pwd):/data devopsworks/dw-query-digest /data/slow-query.log


  • --debug: show debugging information; this is very verbose, and meant for debugging
  • --progress: display a progress bar (disabled when reading from STDIN or using --follow)
  • --output <fmt>: produce report using fmt output plugin (default: terminal; see "Outputs" below)
  • --list-outputs: list possible output plugins
  • --quiet: display only the report (no log)
  • --reverse: reverse sort (i.e. lowest first)
  • --follow: follow log file (tail -F style)
  • --sort <string>: Sort key
    • time (default): sort by cumulative execution time
    • count: sort by query count
    • bytes: sort by query bytes size
    • lock[time]: sort by lock time (lock & locktime are synonyms)
    • [rows]sent: sort by rows sent (sent and rowssent are synonyms)
    • [rows]examined: sort by rows examined
    • [rows]affected: sort by rows affected
  • --top <int>: Top queries to display (default 20)
  • --nocache: Disables cache (writing & reading)
  • --version: Show version & exit


The default output is "terminal".


Simple terminal output, designed to be read by humans.


CSV format output designed to be used in combination with grep. In this format, the two first lines are:

  • meta information (server version, duration, etc...)
  • columns header

Both lines start with #, so if you only want queries, you can filter them using dw-query-digest ... | grep -v '^#'.

Column headers are prefixed by a number. You can directly use this number with cut if you only need a specific column. For instance, if I just want the max time for a query, and since the column header is 16_Max(s), I can use:

$ dw-query-digest ... | grep -v '^#' | cut -f16 -d';'


Pretty-printed JSON output containing general information in the meta key and queries informations in the stats key. Note that the keys layout are subject to change.


Does not output anything, everything goes to /dev/null. This can be used for benchmarking, to prime cache, and whatnot.


When run against a file, dw-query-digest will try to find a cache file having the same name and ending with .cache. For instance, if you invoke:

dw-query-digest -top 1 dbfoo-slow.log

then dw-query-digest will try to find dbfoo-slow.log.cache. If the cache file is found, the original file is not touched and results are read from the cache. This lets you rerun the command if needed without having to re-analyze the whole original file.

Since all results are cached, you can use different paramaters. For instance, --top, --sort or output can be different and will (hopefully) work.

If you don't want to read or write from/to the cache at all, you can use the ``--nocache` option. You can also remove the file anytime.

If the analyzed file is newer than it's cache, the cache will not be used.

Cache format is not guaranteed to work between different versions.

Continuous reading

There is an alpha support for ever growing files when --follow is set. It should support file rotation & truncation too.

Testing continuous reading

Assuming you have docker and dw-query-digest in your PATH, you can quickly test continuous reading like so:

# Prepare log dir & database
mkdir test
chmod 777 test
docker run --name mysql-test \
    -p 3307:3306 \
    -v $(pwd)/test/:/log \
    -d mysql:5.7.19 \
    --slow-query-log=ON \
    --slow-query-log-file=/log/slow.log \

docker exec -ti mysql-test mysqladmin create test || echo 'Unable to create database; mysql not ready ?'
docker exec -ti mysql-test mysql -e 'create user sbtest;' || echo 'Unable to create user; mysql not ready ?'
docker exec -ti mysql-test mysql -e 'grant all privileges on *.* to sbtest@`%`;'|| echo 'Unable to grant user; mysql not ready ?'
docker exec -ti mysql-test mysql -e 'grant all on *.* to root@`%`;' || echo 'Unable to grant root; mysql not ready ?'
docker exec -ti mysql-test mysql -e 'flush privileges;'
docker exec -ti mysql-test mysql -e 'set global slow_query_log="ON";'

# Run this in another terminal
dw-query-digest -top 10 -refresh 1000 --follow test/slow.log

# Then back to previous terminal
docker run \
--rm=true \
--name=sb-prepare \
--link mysql-test:mysql \
severalnines/sysbench \
sysbench \
--db-driver=mysql --table-size=1000000 --mysql-db=test \
--mysql-user=sbtest --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-host=mysql \
oltp_read_write prepare

docker run \
--rm=true \
--name=sb-run \
--link mysql-test:mysql \
severalnines/sysbench \
sysbench \
--db-driver=mysql --table-size=1000000 --mysql-db=test \
--mysql-user=sbtest --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-host=mysql \
--max-requests=0 --threads=8 --time=60 \
oltp_read_write run

# Clean all the things when done
docker run \
--rm=true \
--name=sb-run \
--link mysql-test:mysql \
severalnines/sysbench \
sysbench \
--db-driver=mysql --table-size=1000000 --mysql-db=test \
--mysql-user=sbtest --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-host=mysql \
oltp_read_write cleanup

docker stop mysql-test && docker rm mysql-test


Some corners have been cut regarding query normalization. So YMMV regarding aggregations.

Also, dw-query-digest does not support reading a header in the middle of a file (and will crash with a panic). This can happen if you FLUSH LOGS during a capture.


If you spot something missing, or have a slow query log that is not parsed correctly, please open an issue and attach the log file.

Comments, criticisms, issues & pull requests welcome.


  • cache
  • tail -f reading (disable linecount !) with periodic reporting (in a TUI ?)
  • internal statistics (logs lines/s, queries/s, ...)
  • web live output
  • pt-query-digest output ?
  • UDP json streamed output (no stats) for filebeat/logstash/graylog ?
