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Webpack Boilerplate

This repository contains Webpack and SCSS boilerplate code to quickly get started on building a webpage following a simplified version of SASS (7-1 pattern).

Project Setup


Run npm install to install all the dependencies this project needs.

Running the app

Run npm run dev. Your browser should automatically open a new tab where you can see your app. Note : live reload is enabled so just modify your files and it will be reflected on the app instantly.

Building the app

Run npm run build. It will automatically add vendor prefixes to CSS rules and compress all your .scss files into one style.css file located in your dist folder.

SASS folder structure

It contains these folder and files :

  • abstracts : functions, variables
  • base : reset, typography,
  • components : buttons, form
  • layout : footer, header, nav, breadcrumb
  • pages : contact, home,
  • themes : theme
  • vendors : bootstrap, fontawesome

Included Framework and Libraries

  • fontawesome - Font Library

Webpack Dependencies

  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • File Loader
  • CSS Loader
  • Node SASS
  • SASS Loader
  • Post CSS
  • Autoprefixer
  • Purge CSS
  • Mini CSS Extractor Plugin