A basic GitHub repository template for initializing open source projects on a single click.
- Description
- Project structure
- Project roadmap
- Getting started
- Live demo
- Built with
- Contributing
- Authors
- License
- Acknowledgments
We all know how Native Android Development is not very friendly for a beginner to learn . So to combat this problem (and as native android developers) we built AndroLearn. AndroLearn aims to be a handbook for beginners to get started with android dev enthusiasts. The app has the list of all inbuilt components as well an exhaustive lists of Third party libraries , their attributes (necessary and optional) and much more !
The project currently does the following things.
- User can see the types of components
- User can see the necessary and optional attributes of each component
See below for our future steps.
- Add to Favourites
- User can add more third party libraries
- Share Feature
Everyone is welcomed to contribute to our project. Mentioning in bold, you do not need to know the tech stack and tools beforehand to be a part of our project. This is a learn-and-build projects where the contributors build alongside learning the various concepts and technologies involved.
Below are a few prerequisites and installation guides:
- Basic Understanding of Programming Language (any)
The best way to learn the following is to google each and everything!
Very basic understanding of git and github:
- What are repositories (local - remote - upstream), issues, pull requests
- How to clone a repository, how to fork a repository, how to set upstreams
- Adding, committing, pulling, pushing changes to remote repositories
For Android:
A step by step series of instructions that tell you how to get the project running locally is given below. Google every issue you face following the below instructions or just ask us in our Discord / WhatsApp group.
- Fork and clone the repository followed by opening the project in your text editor (with a terminal)
- Open Android Studio ---> Open Project ---> Choose AndroLearn.
- Wait for the gradle sync to finish and click the play button to install the app on your local device / emulator.
- Kotlin
- Firebase
Please read contributing.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.