A save utility for editing and converting Sonic Adventure 2 PC, Gamecube, Xbox 360 and PS3 save files.
Editing chao and main data whilst the game is running using the Live Editor. Editing PC, Gamecube Xbox 360 & PS3 chao save files, also allows saving of files to either platform allowing for converting platform. Saving/loading/duplicating individual chao. Editing PC, Gamecube Xbox 360 & PS3 main save files, also allows saving of files to either platform allowing for converting platform.
- Load up your game and select your save, from here you can choose File > Live Editor > SA2 > Main.
- Enter the chao garden, from here you can choose File > Live Editor > SA2 > Chao.
- Edit whatever you'd like and it should update in real time. LIVE EDITOR IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE BACKUP SAVE FILES.
- Load your choice of save file (this file will be saved in the /backups folder, the name will be prefixed with the date and time of loading the file). For Xbox 360/PS3 saves you will need to extract the savedata.bin from the save file retreived from your console. The application should determine what type of save you're using and populate the UI accordingly.
- Make any changes you'd like.
- If using a chao save, you can click "Chao". this offers saving and duplicating the currently selected chao or allows you to load a .chao file into the selected chao slot.
- Save your edited file, you have the choice of PC, Gamecube or 360/PS3 save. For 360/PS3 saves you'll have to rehash and resign the save. If you're saving a Main save as a 360/PS3 save, you can choose to append the current save tab to an existing file(360/PS3 saves are an array of multiple saves on a single file).
- More things to edit on Main Saves.
- Chao garden items.
- Current Drives/Animals.
- Toggle between realistic and unrealistic chao values, currently mainly supports realistic values.
- SADX Support(Unsure on this, once SA2 support is fully complete I may explore adding SADX althought this may have to be a seperate application).
Tool creation, offset gathering (primarily main save offsets).
Some chao offsets obtained from Fusion's chao documentation.
Providing me with information regarding how the Main calculates it's hashsum.
Contact me on Discord for faster help: Froody#5824