Note: We'd like to inform our users that dgNN will no longer be actively maintained. Our development efforts will focus on integrating its features and functionalities into dgSPARSE-Lib. We believe this consolidation will provide a more streamlined and efficient experience for our user community. Thank you for your continued support.
dgNN is a high-performance backend for GNN layers with DFG (Data Flow Graph) level optimization. dgNN project is based on PyTorch.
through pip
pip install dgNN
If pip couldn't build dgNN, we recommend you to build dgNN from source.
git clone
cd dgNN
CUDA toolkit >= 10.0
pytorch >= 1.7.0
dgl >= 0.7 (We use dgl's dataset)
We prepare a docker to run our implementation. You could run our dgNN in a docker container.
cd docker
docker build -t dgNN:v1 -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it dgNN:v1 /bin/bash
Our training script is modified from DGL. Now we implements three popular GNN models.
cd dgNN/script/train
python --num-hidden=64 --num-heads=4 --dataset cora --gpu 0
Run Monet
cd dgNN/script/train
python --n-kernels 3 --pseudo-dim 2 --dataset cora --gpu 0
Run PointCloud
We use modelnet40-sampled-2048 data in our PointNet. DGL Code
cd dgNN/script/train
CogDL is a flexible and efficient graph-learning framework that uses GE-SpMM to accelerate GNN algorithms. This repo is implemented in CogDL as a submodule.
If you use our dgNN project in your research, please cite the following bib:
This project also implements part of algorithms from GNN-computing, especially method of neighbor grouping in SpMM. If you use our dgNN project in your research, please also cite the following bib:
title={Understanding and bridging the gaps in current GNN performance optimizations},
author={Huang, Kezhao and Zhai, Jidong and Zheng, Zhen and Yi, Youngmin and Shen, Xipeng},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming},
If you meet any problems in this repo, fill free to write issues or contact us by e-mail (