Single cell transcriptomics (scRNA-seq) has in recent years become a popular method to assay heterogeneity of cells in a cell population and uncover hidden subpopulations. In contrast to bulk RNA-seq, scRNA-seq is thought to suffer from large heterogeneity between samples and "dropout events" (false zeros). Moreover, over-dispersion and technical variation are more evident as gene expression is inherently stochasatic in nature.
Many packages exist allowing to analyze and cluster scRNA-seq data produced using different methods. DESeq2 is a commonly used R package for identifying differentially expressed genes based on a model using the negative binomial distribution. scRNA-seq reads are known to follow a Poisson distribution, and therefore utilising DESeq2 and similar packages destined for bulk RNA-seq analysis is not recommended. To determine the effect of using such methods, an iterative method similar to a "bootstrap" was implemented using DESeq2.
The goal was to determine whether individual cells expressing the transcription factor FoxD3 in the zebrafish neural crest at 5-6ss somite stage carried out in the TSS lab and single cells expressing FoxD3 at 50% epiboly co-expressed similar sets of genes and to what extent these could be uncovered using DESeq2. Zebrafish scRNA-seq 50% epiboly dataset was kindly provided by R.Satija. The original study describing the 50% epiboly dataset was published in :
Satija, R., Farrell, J.A., Gennert, D., Schier, A.F. and Regev, A., 2015. Spatial reconstruction of single-cell gene expression data. Nature biotechnology, 33(5), p.495.doi:10.1038/nbt.3192
A concatenated fasta file genome containing both the danRer10 sequence and ERCCs and a corresponding gtf file was produced (data/Zv10_ERCCs.gtf). A STAR (v.2.4.2) index was made using default parameters.
Paired end reads were mapped to the zebrafish genome (danRer10) using STAR using the following parameters:
STAR --genomeDir $GDIR --readFilesIn $A1 $A2 --runThreadN 8 --outFileNamePrefix $AN --outSAMstrandField intronMotif
Read counts were obtained using subread featureCounts (v.1.4.6) package using the following parameters:
featureCounts -T 16 -p -t exon -g gene_id -a Zv10_ERCCs.gtf -o $NAME
This repository contains the count tables obtained using featureCounts for both single cell datasets in data/
The raw reads from the neural crest dataset has been uploaded to NCBI's GEO under accession number GSE106676 that will be rendered public upon pear-reviewed publication of manuscript.
All of the cells in the neural crest single cell dataset were FACs-sorted based on FoxD3-Citrine reporter expression. The 50% epiboly dataset however contained all cells from this stage, many of which did not express FoxD3. Cells expressing FoxD3 transcript XXX => 1 FPKM were considered as FoxD3-expressing cells. 201 cells out of the total 743 expressed FoxD3. One cell expressed FoxD3 < 1 FPKM.
Raw reads were converted to FPKM values using R (inspired from this blog):
Low read counts and lack of reporoducibilty of replicate results in DESeq2's failure to estimation of the variance in the null distribution. Using the fdrtool R library this can be correct. For much better explanation of this link here
To run : -f STAR_mapped_zv10_single_cell_satija_counts -gi ENSDARG00000021032 -o FoxD3 -c 50 -l 1 -i 100
This will use the featureCounts count table 'our_single_cell_with_ERCCs_zv10.counts.txt' and subselect all cells expressing FoxD3 (Ensembl geneid=ENSDARG00000021032). The limit to consider a cell as expressing FoxD3 is defined by -l of 1 FPKM. Using the -c 50 and -i 100, it will pool 50 cells together arbitrarily and repeat this 100 times.
This was carried out as part of the FoxD3 project carried out in the laboratory of T. Sauka-Spengler at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford, in the UK.
Preliminary manuscript for this project is available on bioRxiv:
For additional information on project please see tsslab/foxd3 github repository.