IMS Call flow visualizer for HTTP, SIP, Diameter, GSM MAP and CAMEL protocols
This program can parse inpur pcap and generate result in plantuml format.
Project page:
Uses pyshark library:
and plantuml sequence diagram:
Python 2 version >= 2.6
Python 3 is not supported
pyshark library
To install it:
pip install pyshark
edit conf/ file:
- define 'participants' dict
- define 'uml_intro'
- define plantuml library and java path in JAVA_BIN and plantuml_jar params
./ -i input.pcap -o out.uml -y filter -t format
input.pcap - source pcap (mandatory)
out.uml - result diagram in PlanUML format (optional, default is ./out.uml)
filter - wireshark view filter (optional, default = 'sip||sccp||diameter||http')
format - png,svg,eps,pdf (optional)
As a result, plantuml diagram will be generated.
If you have defined -t option, then appropriate document will be generated as well along with uml source
Then, to generate graphical version of diagram, run (if you didn't define -t option):
java -jar plantuml.jar -tpng out.uml
The plantuml will generate out.png in result.
If you didn't define all parties in 'participants' dict in conf/ file, then program will dump list of undefined participants for you. You can copy that list and paste it into configuration file and then fill it values with appropriate names.
Please note about filter syntax. It should be escaped and do not contains whitespaces, e.g.: sip.Call-ID=="0feX8451416300Q3beGhEfIgAke@SIP"\|\|sip.Call-ID=="0050569E78EF-554c-acc81700-becf6-588f3c46-495a"
You can edit 'proto_formatter' dict in conf/ and define there any field from protocol that you want. Before adding new header line, please ensure the same line defined in 'headers' dict. Because only headers defined in 'headers' dict are considered.