Report Viewer Control [ReportViewerForMVC dll] library to replace with iFrame on MVC Project
Project Objective:
Main objective of this project to show different SSRS Report in Same View. This project is solved the below issues
How do I create this project:
Create ASP .Net MVC Template solution
Create folder - "Report and add .aspx file in the created folder > - "ReportViewer.aspx"
Add reference: Microsoft.ReportViewer.Webforms.dll and add below line in aspx page
<%@ Register Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" TagPrefix="rsweb" %>
Add ReportViewer Tag rsweb:ReportViewer
Add Controller, View and Model from the attached project
Add following items in web.config file
<add key="ReportServerPassword" value="" />
<add key="ReportServerDomain" value="" />
<add key="ReportServerUrl" value="" />
<add key="ReportFolder" value="" />
<add key="ReportViewerURL" value="Reports/ReportViewer.aspx" />