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Will Holcomb edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 1 revision

The Technoanarchist Revolution is a speculative fiction delineating a series of milestones leading to a post-scarcity society.

The Gaianist Church arises as a rationalist successor to Christianity and Islam.

One type of service is riding around in a car with someone. That pair then can serve the community in several capacities:

  • Responding to calls for help
  • Delivering packages

There are a detailed set of maps generated delineating the spaces of the world and allowing access. One of the functions of the Church is to make sure everyone is housed and fed.

Land within the church is mediated to the Also through the 10 concerns. Ultimately, if there is a dispute as to who is allowed to be where the enforcement will follow Gaianist Commandments.

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