NOEL is an application for family and friends to play Secret Santa remotely accross the world.
A user registers on the application and creates a group. The user then adds participants to the group by sharing the group invite code. Each participant will be able to see who they have to give a gift to. Each participant will not be able to see who they will receive a gift from. The application will send an email to each participant on how to access their account.
Group owners can do the following:
- Create a group.
- Add participants to the group by sharing the group invite code.
- Change the status of the group to open or closed.
- Change the group name.
- Delete the group.
Participants can do the following:
- View the group they are in.
- Pick a participant to give a gift to.
- View the participant they have to give a gift to.
- Leave the group.
- Each participant will be able to see who they have to give a gift to.
- Each participant will not be able to see who they will receive a gift from.
Users can do the following:
- Register and login to the application.
- Change their name.
- Change their email address.
- Change their password.
The application can be accessed by Web Link
This application is built using the following technologies:
- Core Django
- Styling Bootstrap
- Database PostgreSQL
- Deployed on Heroku
- Illustrations from Undraw
- Icons from Font Awesome