The code in this repo was used for the generation and presentation of biological motion stimuli for the following work: Chang, D. H. F., Troje, N. F., Ikegaya, Y., Fujita, I., & Ban, H. (in press). Spatiotemporal dynamics of responses to biological motion in the human brain. Cortex. [full doi will be updated once available]
The top-level function is BMdirection(subjectname, runnum, runtype)
e.g., BMdirection('TEST', 1, 1) subjectname looks for a subject-string identifier runnum looks for a digit, denoting run iteration runtype looks for a digit, here fixed as 1. This was simply used internally to separate this code from a variation that was earlier piloted.
Portions of this script tap on functions available in Psychtoolbox. Instructions for installation of PTB can be found at
getdatatypes.m \called by RunTrials -- checks type of walker/stimulus data fed in. Fourier series? Time series data?
mdPhaseScramble.m \called by mdprepare_single -- when called, this script takes time series data and phase-shuffles them.
mdSpatialScramble.m \called by mdprepare_single -- when called, this script takes an intact walker and performs a spatial reordering of walker point-lights
mdprepare_single.m \applies inversion, size, azimuth, 2D projection, centering, and scrambling as necessary
- Dorita CHANG, Hiroshi BAN
- Parts of this code are attributed to the BioMotionLab,