3.11.0-alpha.1 (2023-12-21)
Bug Fixes
- add back plugin service dependency [LIBS-583] (ca10691)
- add back plugin service dependency [LIBS-583] (6d43ae3)
- add documentation, clean up (c537590)
- add in plugin service in runtime package (#1343) (ed06a9f)
- add width to plugin documentation [LIBS-487] (b2c6273)
- check memomized props for postMessage communication [LIBS-514] (b1a3a0a)
- clean up (e53ecbd)
- clean up, add useless test (b14952b)
- custom error handling (c72fc6e)
- dependency array (03ce64f)
- dependency resolution (2480c1c)
- merge issues (496472a)
- move eslint disable line (48912d7)
- plugin experimental docs (be215b2)
- prevent sending updated props to plugin when props do not change [LIBS-514] (86c6f75)
- reset communication on either pluginSource or pluginShortName change (3fdae5b)
- temporarily disable failing test (6664199)
- trigger props resend when iframe src changes [LIBS-488] (f4a6680)
- trigger props resend when iframe src changes [LIBS-488] #1344 (cea7600)
- type error (9c17206)
- update alpha branch [skip release] (ccb793c)
- working autorsize width (2991045)