Bigyo (비교(KR): Comparison) is simple python library for side-by-side diff in terminal.
Use difflib as its engine.
Supports beautiful output with multi-width or zero-width character.
pip install bigyo
It just works!
difflib.Differ().compare(a, b)
bigyo.Bigyo().compare(a, b)
and you get your nice side-by-side comparison generator. (Note it is generator)
Also, to get full comparison string at once, there is
bigyo.Bigyo().comparison_string(a, b)
method for you to use.
Default bigyo rendering strategy is SimpleBigyoRenderer
with default params, which will look like this.
- Hello, World |+ Helo, Wold!
? - - |? +
However, you can change separator (defaults to |
) if you wish, by making BigyoRenderer
class with parameter,
bigyo_rd = SimpleBigyoRenderer(sep="*")
...And give it as parameter of Bigyo
bigyo_cls = bigyo.Bigyo(bigyo_renderer = bigyo_rd)
In this case, result will look like this.
- Hello, World *+ Helo, Wold!
? - - *? +
Also there exists OnelineBigyoRenderer
which will render difference like this.
He>l<lo, Wo>r<ld|Helo, Wold<!>
All the commits can be found in github page.
0.0.1 2022.12.15 Project init!
0.1.0 2022.12.17 Added comparison_string method, changed name from BigyoStrategy to BigyoRenderer, bugfix
0.1.1 2022.12.17 Separate bigyo_renderer, change directory structure
0.1.2 2022.12.21 Now with sphinx document!
0.1.3 2022.12.21 Requirements.txt had typo.
0.1.4 2022.12.27 Documentation fixs
0.1.4a8 2023.01.05 Tinkering with github action (nothing to do with actual program!)
1.0.0 2023.01.10 Added VerticalBigyoRenderer