Machmeter is an open source tool for performance benchmarking of Cloud Spanner. This repository contains Machmeter code, usage instructions and a few example use-cases. Users can clone any of these use-case and edit them to imitate their specific use-case.
Note: Machmeter is currently supported on Linux and MacOS platforms.
Run the following steps to start using Machmeter:
$ git clone
$ cd machmeter/machmeter
# Building the maven project
$ mvn clean package -P assembly
# You provide the path to service accounts key.
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/service-accounts.json
# Install the gcloud gke plugin
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
Detailed documentation on how to use Machmeter is available at:
This is Apache 2.0 License
This is not an officially supported Google product.