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The main repository for all of Dialpad's design system resources.


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The monorepo for Dialpad's design system Dialtone.

All separate packages of dialtone are also deployed individually. If you would like to use an individual package rather than the combined Dialtone package, you can find documentation for each package in the following table.


The below usage instructions are for the combined package.

Install it via NPM:

Vue 3

npm install @dialpad/dialtone@latest @tiptap/vue-3

Vue 2

npm install @dialpad/dialtone@latest @linusborg/vue-simple-portal @tiptap/vue-2

Import packages:

Without theming

If you don't care about theming and just want to use Dialtone with the default light theme:

  • CSS
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/css-default-theme";
/* If using vue components */
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue2/css";
/* Or */
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue3/css";
  • Javascript
import "@dialpad/dialtone/css-default-theme";
/* If using vue components */
import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue2/css";
/* Or */
import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue3/css";

With theming

If you want to use theming, import from the below path. This file does not include design tokens so it is required to also set a theme to apply design tokens to the root element.

  • CSS
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/css";
/* If using vue components */
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue2/css";
/* Or */
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue3/css";
  • Javascript
import "@dialpad/dialtone/css";
/* If using vue components */
import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue2/css";
/* Or */
import "@dialpad/dialtone/vue3/css";
Set theme via setTheme() javascript function (preferred)

Import the theme you want to use and set it via the setTheme function:

import { setTheme } from '@dialpad/dialtone/themes/config';
import DpLight from '@dialpad/dialtone/themes/dp-light';

Possible themes are as follows:

  • DpLight - Dialpad Light
  • DpDark - Dialpad Dark
  • TmoLight - T-Mobile Light
  • TmoDark - T-Mobile Dark
  • ExpressiveLight - Marketing Light
  • ExpressiveDark - Marketing Dark
  • ExpressiveSmLight - Marketing Small Light
  • ExpressiveSmDark - Marketing Small Dark

There is an optional second parameter to setTheme that allows you to set the theme on a specific element. This is useful in the case of a Shadow DOM when you want to apply the theme to the root element of the shadow DOM rather than the document root. If you do not set this parameter the theme will be applied to the document root.

import { setTheme } from '@dialpad/dialtone/themes/config';
import DpLight from '@dialpad/dialtone/themes/dp-light';
setTheme(DpLight, document.querySelector('#my-shadow-root-host'));
Set theme manually by importing files

You may want to use this method if you are unable to use javascript.

You need to import two tokens files in order to apply a theme. A base tokens files, which is either light or dark, and a semantic brand tokens file which is named after a brand and theme 'tokens-dp-light', 'tokens-dp-dark', 'tokens-tmo-light', ...

  • CSS
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/tokens/tokens-base-light.css" // Base light theme
@import "@dialpad/dialtone/tokens/tokens-dp-light.css" // Dialpad light brand
  • Javascript
import "@dialpad/dialtone/tokens/tokens-base-light.css" // Base light theme
import "@dialpad/dialtone/tokens/tokens-dp-light.css" // Dialpad light brand

Dialtone icons

  • Vue 2:
// Named import
import { DtIconArrowUp } from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue2';
import { DtIllustrationBlankSpace } from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue2';

// Default import (Prefered if using webpack as it is tree-shakeable by default)
import DtIconArrowUp from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue2/arrow-up';
import DtIllustrationBlankSpace from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue2/blank-space';
  • Vue 3:
// Named import
import { DtIconArrowUp } from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue3';
import { DtIllustrationBlankSpace } from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue3';

// Default import (Prefered if using webpack as it is tree-shakeable by default)
import DtIconArrowUp from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue3/arrow-up';
import DtIllustrationBlankSpace from '@dialpad/dialtone-icons/vue3/blank-space';

Dialtone Vue components

  • Vue 2
// Named import
import { DtButton } from "@dialpad/dialtone/vue2"

// Default import (Prefered if using webpack as it is tree-shakeable by default)
import { DtButton } from "@dialpad/dialtone/vue2/lib/button"
  • Vue 3
// Named import
import { DtButton } from "@dialpad/dialtone/vue3"

// Default import (Prefered if using webpack as it is tree-shakeable by default)
import { DtButton } from "@dialpad/dialtone/vue3/lib/button"

About this repo

The @dialpad/dialtone repository is a monorepo composed of Dialtone NPM packages and apps.

The following is a list of packages included in this monorepo. Note that libraries (packages folder) are separated from apps (apps folder):

|--- .github                      # Github configuration and workflows
|--- apps                         # Apps
  |--- dialtone-documentation     # Documentation site
|--- packages                     # NPM packages
  |--- dialtone-css               # CSS library
  |--- dialtone-emojis            # Emoji assets
  |--- dialtone-vue2              # Vue component library compatible with vue@2
  |--- dialtone-vue3              # Vue component library compatible with vue@3
  |--- dialtone-icons             # SVG icons library
  |--- dialtone-tokens            # Tokens library
  |--- eslint-plugin-dialtone     # Custom ESLint rules for Dialtone users
  |--- stylelint-plugin-dialtone  # Custom Stylelint rules for Dialtone users
|--- scripts                      # Shared scripts

Available packages

Name Description Version
Dialtone Combined package containing the latest versions of the libraries for ease of use NPM Version
Dialtone CSS Classes or styles used within Dialtone should be stored here and documented on our site under apps/dialtone-documentation NPM Version
Dialtone emojis Emoji assets NPM Version
Dialtone icons Resources needed to implement icons on your application that conform to Dialpad’s design principles and best practices NPM Version
Dialtone tokens Design tokens for Dialpad's design system Dialtone and everything related to building and publishing them NPM Version
Dialtone vue 2 Vue components library to simplify and standardize the use of common UI patterns and behaviour across all Dialpad projects (compatible with Vue 2) NPM Version
Dialtone vue 3 Vue components library to simplify and standardize the use of common UI patterns and behaviour across all Dialpad projects (compatible with Vue 3) NPM Version
ESlint plugin ESLint plugin containing rules to help developers maintain dialtone recommended practices NPM Version
Stylelint plugin StyleLint plugin containing rules to help developers maintain dialtone recommended practices for CSS NPM Version


Please read our contributing guide before submitting a pull request.

Quick start

If you would like to contribute to Dialtone without having to do any local environment setup, you can use GitHub Codespaces. You can initialize a new Codespace by clicking the green "Code" button at the top right of the Dialtone GitHub page.

Creating a codespace

Please see the Codespaces docs for more information.

Local development


PNPM (Performant NPM) is a package management solution designed to address the challenges posed by traditional package managers.

We use PNPM to manage everything related to NPM, adding, installing, removing and publishing packages.

You will need to install PNPM locally to contribute to this project.

npm install -g pnpm

Use PNPM to manage package dependencies

pnpm add eslint --filter dialtone-icons

Run package scripts with PNPM, this will not use NX cache and pipelines, so you might end up missing dependencies that needed to be built before.

pnpm run --filter dialtone-css build


Nx is a build system with built-in tooling and advanced CI capabilities. It helps you maintain and scale monorepos, both locally and on CI.

NX manages the scheduling and caching of our PNPM scripts.

We still rely on the package installation and package linking mechanism that PNPM workspaces provide us, but use Nx instead to run our tasks in the most efficient way.

One of the main benefits of adding Nx to our PNPM workspace is speed via caching.

Running commands via NX will enable us to do several things:

  • Setup the project dependencies to other projects command, if they need to run before a specific command.
  • Improve the speed of the command execution by saving its output to cache.
  • Run the command on the affected projects only.

⚠️ You can run the commands with PNPM too, but it's not advisable as You'll lose the advantages that NX provides.

For more information, check setup a monorepo with PNPM workspaces and NX


It is recommended to install NX globally via:

pnpm add --global nx@latest

Use NX to run scripts, this will use cache, improve the performance, and build any dependency needed before running your command.

nx run dialtone-css:build

Try installing packages with NX, this doesn't work at all, please use PNPM instead.

nx add eslint --filter dialtone-icons

Running the projects

First, install the dependencies for all the monorepo packages and apps.

pnpm install
Dialtone documentation site
nx run dialtone-documentation:start

This will start the documentation site and watch the library for changes, it will be live updated with any changes.

Access the local server at http://localhost:4000

Dialtone Vue 2 storybook
nx run dialtone-vue2:start

Access the local storybook server for Dialtone Vue 2 via http://localhost:9010/

Dialtone Vue 3 storybook
nx run dialtone-vue3:start

Access the local storybook server for Dialtone Vue 3 via http://localhost:9011/

Common Commands

Production build the root project
nx run dialtone:build
Run Vue unit tests
nx run dialtone:test:vue
Run Vue 2 tests
nx run dialtone-vue2:test
Run Vue 3 tests
nx run dialtone-vue3:test

Use the --filter flag to run commands for a specific package or app.

Adding dependencies for individual packages
pnpm add <dependency> --filter <package or app name>


pnpm add eslint --filter dialtone-icons

To install a local dependency, just add the --workspace flag

pnpm add <dependency> --filter <package or app name> --workspace


pnpm add @dialpad/dialtone-tokens --filter dialtone-icons --workspace
Running commands for individual packages

You can run commands like build, test, start for individual packages from the root of the project using:

nx run <package/app>:<target>


nx run dialtone-documentation:build
Use local package in another project

A way to see local Dialtone changes in a local running frontend is to use a local package.

To create a Dialtone package, first run (in Dialtone repo):

pnpm pack

This will generate a .tgz file, with the same format as the one published on npm. To use this package on another project you can run:

npm install <path to previously generated tgz file>
npm run dev


Currently, Dialtone packages are being released in two different ways: scheduled and manually. The scheduled release will only release changes to production while manually you can choose to release alpha, beta or next branches.



On every Tuesday at 10:00 am UTC, release action will trigger the production release process which automatically release all packages that need to be released following the next steps:

  1. Run the release target on every project.
  2. Merge the release commits created by the semantic release bot on staging to production branch.
  3. Push the production branch.
  4. The publish action will publish the packages with its corresponding tag.

In case you need to release earlier than the next scheduled date, you can trigger the release via Run workflow on GitHub.

  1. Select staging branch.
  2. Select the package that you want to release or leave it empty to release all of them.

This will trigger the release action, release changes on staging and automatically publish the selected packages following the next steps:

  1. Run the release target on selected packages (all if package is empty).
  2. Merge the release commits created by the semantic release bot on staging to production branch.
  3. Push the production branch.
  4. The publish action will publish the packages with its corresponding tag.


  1. Merge your changes to the branch you want to release, commit and push to origin. (Note: If your dialtone version number is behind the last production release number, it may fail. Merge in staging or update the version number manually.)
  2. Go to GitHub and click on Run workflow.
  3. Select alpha, beta or next branch.
  4. Select the package that you want to release or leave it empty to release all of them.

This will trigger the release action, release changes on the selected branch and automatically publish the selected packages following the next steps:

  1. Run the release target on selected packages (all if package is empty).
  2. The publish action will publish the packages with its corresponding tag.