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This repository contains efficient implementations for computing the influence maximization on large graphs using distinct data structures. The details of the implementations are described in the following papers:

  1. Diana Popova, Akshay Khot, Alex Thomo: Data Structures for Efficient Computation of Influence Maximization and Influence Estimation. Published in EDBT 2018 Proceedings.

This paper describes three implementations of the Borgs et al. method

(C. Borgs, M. Brautbar, J. Chayes, and B. Lucier. Maximizing social influence in nearly optimal time. In SODA, pages 946–957, 2014.)

using the WebGraph compression

(P. Boldi and S. Vigna. The webgraph framework I: compression techniques. WWW'04.)

All implementations are coded in Java 8.


Data structure used in this implementation is list of lists (two-dimensional list).


Data structure used in this implementation is one-dimensional array (flat array).


Data structures used in this implementation are one-dimensional array (flat array) and custom-compressed flat array.


Data structure is the same as in IM_flat, but the hypergraph is built in parallel, independently, by all available cores on the machine, and then combined into one flat array by concatenating the results of each core.


Data structure for the hypergraph in this implementation is Webgraph (compressed adjacency lists). The hypergraph is built in parallel, independently, by all available cores on the machine, and then combined into one file stored on disk.

  1. Diana Popova, Naoto Ohsaka, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Alex Thomo: NoSingles: a Space-Efficient Algorithm for Influence Maximization. Published in SSDBM 2018 Proceedings.

This paper describes NoSingles, a space-efficient algorithm for computing Influence Maximization.


Data structure used for saving the intermediate results of computation are Webgraph and flat array.


Data structures used for saving intermediate results of computation are Webgraph and HashMap.

  1. Diana Popova, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Alex Thomo: CutTheTail: an Accurate and Space-Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Influence Maximization. Submitted to EDBT 2019.

This paper describes CutTheTail, a space-efficient algorithm for computing Influence Maximization. It uses Pareto principle.


Data structures used for saving the intermediate results of computation are Webgraph and flat array.


Data structures used for saving intermediate results of computation are Webgraph and flat array.

Getting Started

a. Download and install Webgraph framework from

b. Get dataset: download a dataset from Our programs use transpose (inverse) graphs, which have "-t" after the name. For example, cnr-2000-t.graph. These datasets are already in Webgraph format.

Or, if you would like to use another graph, convert a list of edges (must be sorted) into the Webgraph format. For example:

java -cp "../lib/*":"../bin" it.unimi.dsi.webgraph.BVGraph -1 -g ArcListASCIIGraph dummy cnr2000 < cnr2000-sortedEdges.txt

c. The dataset will be presented by two files, with the extensions .graph and .properties. You need another file, .offset. To get it:

java -cp "../lib/*":"../bin" it.unimi.dsi.webgraph.BVGraph -o -O -L cnr2000

d. The graph should not have self-loops. To eliminate the self-loops, download and run our custom program SelfLoopRemover.

e. Download a program from this site, to test a data structure.

Running the tests

Compile the programs using Webgraph library, for example:

javac -cp "lib/*" -d bin src/*.java

Run the program with parameters of your choice. For example:

java -Xmx16g -cp "../lib/*":"../bin" IM_flat cnr-2000-t 0.1 32 10

IM_flat is the program to run; cnr-2000-t is the basename for the graph; 0.1 is p, the probability of edge existence; 32 is the value of beta (coefficient for calculating the weight of hypergraph); and 10 is k, the number of seeds.


java -Xmx16g -Xss16g -cp "../lib/*":"../bin" NoSingles uk100K-t 0.001 0.1 10

NoSingles is the program to run; uk100K-t is the basename for the graph; 0.001 is p, the probability of edge existence; 0.1 is the value of epsilon (allowed error); and 10 is k, the number of seeds to compute.


If you have a question, please, send e-mail to or


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