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Tools for the Playstation port of Diablo.


Dumps the contents of stream files (.DIR/.BIN pair). These contain all of the game data, including binary overlays.

Usage: dstream [dir] [bin] [types...]

  • dir: .DIR index file.
  • bin: .BIN data file.
  • types: (optional) 3 letter file extension, up to 8 allowed. only extract files with these extenstions.

Two batch scripts are provided, dump_all.bat to extract all files and dump_snd.bat to only extract sound files (VAG and BANKS).

Note that both the US and European versions of Diablo contain English, French, German, and Swedish, but do not contain Japanese. The Japanese version is also needed to extract the Japanese files.


Dumps the contents of sound bank files (.BOF/.BNK pair). These files are embedded in the stream files, and contain sound effects stored in VAG format.

Usage: dbank [bof] [bnk]

  • bof: .BOF index file.
  • bnk: .BNK data file.

A batch script dump_all.bat is provided to extract all bank files.


Converts a PlayStation VAG sound file to a WAV file. VAG files are found in both the stream and bank files.

Usage: vag2wav [vag] [wav]

  • vag: .VAG sound file.
  • wav: .WAV sound file.


Outputs strings from a game text data file as C/C++ quoted and escaped strings to stdout.

Usage: textdump [file]

  • file: A game text data file, e.g., MAINTXT.ENG and MAINTXT.SWE.

Note that resulting strings are windows-1252 encoded. Use iconv to convert them to your encoding:

psx-tools$ ./textdump.bin MAINTXT.ENG | iconv -f windows-1252 > MAINTXT.ENG.txt


A Visual Studio workspace is provided to compile the tools. Works with Visual C++ 5.0 and newer. For POSIX-compatable OSes, a Makefile is provided.

Creating Localized Audio MPQs

The bash-script creates patch MPQs for the PC version of Diablo where voice actors are speaking in English (stream1.mpq), French (stream2.mpq), German (stream3.mpq), and Swedish (stream4.mpq). The script assumes that the content of the PS1 CDROM is in the folder ps1_assets, and that smpq is installed on your system. On Ubuntu-flavoured OSes, smpq can be installed by issuing the following command: sudo apt-get install smpq.

To use one of the patches with DevilutionX, rename it to <Language Code>.mpq and place it in the same folder as diabdat.mpq, then launch Diablo


  • dstream and dbank written by GalaXyHaXz
  • vag2wav taken from the psxsdk
  • textdump written by John Törnblom