This repository comprises of Naive Bayes classifier with text parser for generating(fitting and vectorizing) feature vectors from text
Vectorize textfile and returns a sparse matrix.
return mapping from feature/token/word to index
return the list of words used as features
return the names of the labels used
return the labels of the fit data
ParseText.ParseText.fit_transform(self, filename, delimiter=',')
Read csv of the format <samplename> <label> <attribute> <frequency> ...)
and return the feature vectors and the labels
ParseText.ParseText.vectorize(self, filename, delimiter=',')
Vectorize a file given the features created using fit
Class for running Naive Bayes on input vectors
__init__(self, smoothing=1.0, tfidf=False):
set the smoothing/alpha param for smoothing the likelihood, default laplacian smoothing with smoothing = 1.0
Set tfidf to True to use tfidf weights instead of count, idf = tf*(log((n+1)/(wordindocs+1))+1), X, y)
return fitted likelihood and prior probabilities.
X should be a list, ndarray or Sparse matrix
y shoudl be a list or ndarray
Note: Both Likelihood and prior are log values, inorder to get the actual need to apply exp()
NaiveBayes.NaiveBayes.predict(self, X)
return the predictions for the input X. X should be a list, np array or Sparse matrix