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⚡ Waypoint start time #4172

⚡ Waypoint start time

⚡ Waypoint start time #4172

GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed Oct 24, 2024 in 0s. View latest attempt.

835 tests run, 827 passed, 6 skipped, 2 failed.


Check failure on line 60 in waypoint/tests/services/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


AssertionError: expected call not found.
Expected: pull_subscribe(subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
  Actual: pull_subscribe(config=ConsumerConfig(name=None, durable_name=None, description=None, deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>, opt_start_seq=None, opt_start_time='2024-10-24T10:01:49.797Z', ack_policy=<AckPolicy.EXPLICIT: 'explicit'>, ack_wait=None, max_deliver=None, backoff=None, filter_subject=None, filter_subjects=None, replay_policy=<ReplayPolicy.INSTANT: 'instant'>, rate_limit_bps=None, sample_freq=None, max_waiting=None, max_ack_pending=None, flow_control=None, idle_heartbeat=None, headers_only=None, deliver_subject=None, deliver_group=None, inactive_threshold=None, num_replicas=None, mem_storage=None, metadata=None), subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')

pytest introspection follows:

assert {'config':'} == {'stream': ''}
  Omitting 2 identical items, use -vv to show
  Left contains 1 more item:
  {'config': ConsumerConfig(name=None,
                            deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>,...
  ...Full output truncated (23 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show
Raw output
self = <AsyncMock name='connect().jetstream().pull_subscribe' id='140303932982240'>
args = ()
kwargs = {'stream': 'cloudapi_aries_events', 'subject': ''}
expected = call(subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
actual = call(config=ConsumerConfig(name=None, durable_name=None, description=None, deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME..., mem_storage=None, metadata=None), subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
_error_message = <function NonCallableMock.assert_called_with.<locals>._error_message at 0x7f9b0e1d7560>
cause = None

    def assert_called_with(self, /, *args, **kwargs):
        """assert that the last call was made with the specified arguments.
        Raises an AssertionError if the args and keyword args passed in are
        different to the last call to the mock."""
        if self.call_args is None:
            expected = self._format_mock_call_signature(args, kwargs)
            actual = 'not called.'
            error_message = ('expected call not found.\nExpected: %s\n  Actual: %s'
                    % (expected, actual))
            raise AssertionError(error_message)
        def _error_message():
            msg = self._format_mock_failure_message(args, kwargs)
            return msg
        expected = self._call_matcher(_Call((args, kwargs), two=True))
        actual = self._call_matcher(self.call_args)
        if actual != expected:
            cause = expected if isinstance(expected, Exception) else None
>           raise AssertionError(_error_message()) from cause
E           AssertionError: expected call not found.
E           Expected: pull_subscribe(subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
E             Actual: pull_subscribe(config=ConsumerConfig(name=None, durable_name=None, description=None, deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>, opt_start_seq=None, opt_start_time='2024-10-24T10:01:49.797Z', ack_policy=<AckPolicy.EXPLICIT: 'explicit'>, ack_wait=None, max_deliver=None, backoff=None, filter_subject=None, filter_subjects=None, replay_policy=<ReplayPolicy.INSTANT: 'instant'>, rate_limit_bps=None, sample_freq=None, max_waiting=None, max_ack_pending=None, flow_control=None, idle_heartbeat=None, headers_only=None, deliver_subject=None, deliver_group=None, inactive_threshold=None, num_replicas=None, mem_storage=None, metadata=None), subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')

/usr/local/lib/python3.12/unittest/ AssertionError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

self = <AsyncMock name='connect().jetstream().pull_subscribe' id='140303932982240'>
args = ()
kwargs = {'stream': 'cloudapi_aries_events', 'subject': ''}

    def assert_called_once_with(self, /, *args, **kwargs):
        """assert that the mock was called exactly once and that that call was
        with the specified arguments."""
        if not self.call_count == 1:
            msg = ("Expected '%s' to be called once. Called %s times.%s"
                   % (self._mock_name or 'mock',
            raise AssertionError(msg)
>       return self.assert_called_with(*args, **kwargs)
E       AssertionError: expected call not found.
E       Expected: pull_subscribe(subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
E         Actual: pull_subscribe(config=ConsumerConfig(name=None, durable_name=None, description=None, deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>, opt_start_seq=None, opt_start_time='2024-10-24T10:01:49.797Z', ack_policy=<AckPolicy.EXPLICIT: 'explicit'>, ack_wait=None, max_deliver=None, backoff=None, filter_subject=None, filter_subjects=None, replay_policy=<ReplayPolicy.INSTANT: 'instant'>, rate_limit_bps=None, sample_freq=None, max_waiting=None, max_ack_pending=None, flow_control=None, idle_heartbeat=None, headers_only=None, deliver_subject=None, deliver_group=None, inactive_threshold=None, num_replicas=None, mem_storage=None, metadata=None), subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
E       pytest introspection follows:
E       Kwargs:
E       assert {'config':'} == {'stream': ''}
E         Omitting 2 identical items, use -vv to show
E         Left contains 1 more item:
E         {'config': ConsumerConfig(name=None,
E                                   durable_name=None,
E                                   description=None,
E                                   deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>,...
E         ...Full output truncated (23 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

/usr/local/lib/python3.12/unittest/ AssertionError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

mock_nats_client = <AsyncMock name='connect().jetstream()' spec='JetStreamContext' id='140304035193840'>

    async def test_nats_events_processor_subscribe(
        mock_nats_client,  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
        processor = NatsEventsProcessor(mock_nats_client)
        mock_nats_client.pull_subscribe.return_value = AsyncMock(
        subscription = await processor._subscribe(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            "group_id", "wallet_id"
>       mock_nats_client.pull_subscribe.assert_called_once_with(
            subject=f"{NATS_SUBJECT}.group_id.wallet_id", stream=NATS_STREAM
E       AssertionError: expected call not found.
E       Expected: pull_subscribe(subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
E         Actual: pull_subscribe(config=ConsumerConfig(name=None, durable_name=None, description=None, deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>, opt_start_seq=None, opt_start_time='2024-10-24T10:01:49.797Z', ack_policy=<AckPolicy.EXPLICIT: 'explicit'>, ack_wait=None, max_deliver=None, backoff=None, filter_subject=None, filter_subjects=None, replay_policy=<ReplayPolicy.INSTANT: 'instant'>, rate_limit_bps=None, sample_freq=None, max_waiting=None, max_ack_pending=None, flow_control=None, idle_heartbeat=None, headers_only=None, deliver_subject=None, deliver_group=None, inactive_threshold=None, num_replicas=None, mem_storage=None, metadata=None), subject='', stream='cloudapi_aries_events')
E       pytest introspection follows:
E       Kwargs:
E       assert {'config':'} == {'stream': ''}
E         Omitting 2 identical items, use -vv to show
E         Left contains 1 more item:
E         {'config': ConsumerConfig(name=None,
E                                   durable_name=None,
E                                   description=None,
E                                   deliver_policy=<DeliverPolicy.BY_START_TIME: 'by_start_time'>,...
E         ...Full output truncated (23 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

waypoint/tests/services/ AssertionError

Check failure on line 85 in app/tests/e2e/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


fastapi.exceptions.HTTPException: 500: {"detail":"Internal Server Error"}
Raw output
self = <shared.util.rich_async_client.RichAsyncClient object at 0x7f5a03ffc590>
url = '/v1/connections/did-rotate/hangup'
kwargs = {'params': {'connection_id': '85ffc7bb-8096-4ef7-bb9c-66afeab7d458'}}
response = <Response [500 Internal Server Error]>, code = 500
message = '{"detail":"Internal Server Error"}'
log_message = 'Tenant alice_ZPASI - HTTP POST `/v1/connections/did-rotate/hangup` failed. Status code: 500. Response: `{"detail":"Internal Server Error"}`.'

    async def post(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> Response:
            response = await super().post(url, **kwargs)
            if self.raise_status_error:
>               response.raise_for_status()  # Raise exception for 4xx and 5xx status codes

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <Response [500 Internal Server Error]>

    def raise_for_status(self) -> Response:
        Raise the `HTTPStatusError` if one occurred.
        request = self._request
        if request is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot call `raise_for_status` as the request "
                "instance has not been set on this response."
        if self.is_success:
            return self
        if self.has_redirect_location:
            message = (
                "{error_type} '{0.status_code} {0.reason_phrase}' for url '{0.url}'\n"
                "Redirect location: '{0.headers[location]}'\n"
                "For more information check:{0.status_code}"
            message = (
                "{error_type} '{0.status_code} {0.reason_phrase}' for url '{0.url}'\n"
                "For more information check:{0.status_code}"
        status_class = self.status_code // 100
        error_types = {
            1: "Informational response",
            3: "Redirect response",
            4: "Client error",
            5: "Server error",
        error_type = error_types.get(status_class, "Invalid status code")
        message = message.format(self, error_type=error_type)
>       raise HTTPStatusError(message, request=request, response=self)
E       httpx.HTTPStatusError: Server error '500 Internal Server Error' for url ''
E       For more information check:

/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/httpx/ HTTPStatusError

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

alice_member_client = <shared.util.rich_async_client.RichAsyncClient object at 0x7f5a03ffc590>
faber_client = <shared.util.rich_async_client.RichAsyncClient object at 0x7f5a03f5aed0>
faber_acapy_client = <aries_cloudcontroller.acapy_client.AcaPyClient object at 0x7f5a03ffdf40>

    async def test_hangup_did_rotation(
        alice_member_client: RichAsyncClient,
        faber_client: RichAsyncClient,
        faber_acapy_client: AcaPyClient,
        # First, create did-exchange connections between Alice and Faber:
        faber_public_did = await acapy_wallet.get_public_did(controller=faber_acapy_client)
        request_data = {"their_public_did": qualified_did_sov(faber_public_did.did)}
        response = await
            f"{CONNECTIONS_BASE_PATH}/did-exchange/create-request", params=request_data
        connection_record = response.json()
        alice_connection_id = connection_record["connection_id"]
        alice_did = connection_record["my_did"]
        assert await check_webhook_state(
            filter_map={"connection_id": alice_connection_id},
        faber_event = await check_webhook_state(
            filter_map={"their_did": alice_did},
        faber_connection_id = faber_event["connection_id"]
        # Hangup the DID rotation
>       hangup_response = await
            params={"connection_id": alice_connection_id},

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = <shared.util.rich_async_client.RichAsyncClient object at 0x7f5a03ffc590>
url = '/v1/connections/did-rotate/hangup'
kwargs = {'params': {'connection_id': '85ffc7bb-8096-4ef7-bb9c-66afeab7d458'}}
response = <Response [500 Internal Server Error]>, code = 500
message = '{"detail":"Internal Server Error"}'
log_message = 'Tenant alice_ZPASI - HTTP POST `/v1/connections/did-rotate/hangup` failed. Status code: 500. Response: `{"detail":"Internal Server Error"}`.'

    async def post(self, url: str, **kwargs) -> Response:
            response = await super().post(url, **kwargs)
            if self.raise_status_error:
                response.raise_for_status()  # Raise exception for 4xx and 5xx status codes
        except HTTPStatusError as e:
            code = e.response.status_code
            message = e.response.text
            log_message = f"{} POST `{url}` failed. Status code: {code}. Response: `{message}`."
>           raise HTTPException(status_code=code, detail=message) from e
E           fastapi.exceptions.HTTPException: 500: {"detail":"Internal Server Error"}

shared/util/ HTTPException