A nextflow pipeline for alignment of short WGS reads.
prepare reference index for bwa-mem2
bwa-mem2 index ref.fa
prepare elprep files using the folowing commands:
#reference file elprep fasta-to-elfasta ref.fa ref.fa.elfasta #variats files GTAK4_Bunddle for variant calibration elprep vcf-to-elsites <vcf-file> <elsites-file>
We will build a micromamba environment with the needed software
micromamba create -f conda.yml
Here we provide an example to map the short reads to hg38, the context of the params files is the following
dbsnp: /mnt/beegfs/labs/DiGenomaLab/databases/references/human/GATK_Bundle/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.elsites
dbindel: /mnt/beegfs/labs/DiGenomaLab/databases/references/human/GATK_Bundle/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.elsites
ref: /mnt/beegfs/labs/DiGenomaLab/databases/references/human/bwa2/hs38DH.fa
elpre_ref: /mnt/beegfs/labs/DiGenomaLab/databases/references/human/hs38DH.fa.elfasta
alt_js: /mnt/beegfs/home/adigenova/micromamba/envs/aln/bin/bwa-postalt.js
bqsr: true
Save the above content in a file (i.e) : aln-params.yml
provide a csv file wiht the following information:
Currently if a sample is split into several files is necesary to merge the reads before runing the pipeline.
Save the above content in a file (i.e) : reads.csv
nextflow run main.nf --csv reads.cvs -profile uoh -params-file aln-params.yml
in case of failure use:
nextflow run main.nf --csv reads.cvs -profile uoh -params-file aln-params.yml -resume
that will generate a directory called results
To create an aggregated report across all the samples, is possible to run multiqc on the result directory:
load the environment
micromamba activate aln
run multiqc
multiqc .