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py4cl2-cffi - a CFFI approach to python interfacing in Common Lisp

Despite being featureful, I won't recommend using py4cl2-cffi in production or in long-term projects yet. Numpy version 2 is unsupported atleast until 2025.

Previous Common Lisp attempts: burgled-batteries3 and cl-python.

New Common Lisp / SBCL attempt with support for calling Lisp from Python: lang.

Non Common Lisp approaches

See this publication for the broad design.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


py4cl2 has gotten the work done for the past few years. But it has the overhead of (i) stream-based inter-process-communication (ii) eval. That's as worse as one could get.

However, when capable, the CFFI approach can be a 50 times faster than py4cl2.

CL-USER> (py4cl2-cffi:raw-pyexec "def foo(): return str(1)")
CL-USER> (time (dotimes (i 10000)
                 (py4cl2-cffi:pycall "foo")))
Evaluation took:
  0.080 seconds of real time
  0.079740 seconds of total run time (0.079740 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.00% CPU
  174,443,654 processor cycles
  3,045,440 bytes consed

CL-USER> (py4cl2:raw-pyexec "def foo(): return str(1)")
; No value
CL-USER> (time (dotimes (i 10000)
                 (py4cl2:pycall "foo")))
Evaluation took:
  1.051 seconds of real time
  0.482699 seconds of total run time (0.304186 user, 0.178513 system)
  45.96% CPU
  20,000 forms interpreted
  2,327,364,348 processor cycles
  5,760,832 bytes consed



Goals are less ambitious than burgled-batteries. We aim to get "most" libraries working, with a special focus on functional python.

  • Only specialized arrays can be passed by reference. Other values will be passed by value.
  • The goal is getting the functional aspects of python - those python functions that do not modify their inputs should "work". Non-functional python functions can only work with arrays. Other functions that modify their inputs will not work.

Tested only on Ubuntu 20.04 (CI) and Ubuntu 18.04 (personal machine). Porting to Windows does not look trivial, but someone could prove me wrong (at least provide some pointers!).


Unlike py4cl and py4cl2, py4cl2-cffi can only use one python version in a running lisp image. In addition, while the author has been successful in running the py4cl2-cffi-tests without segmentation faults, the project is still in beta stage, so be prepared to run into segmentation faults especially while importing and using python modules.

The project is being tested on

  • SBCL, CCL, ECL for Linux on Github Actions.
  • SBCL for MacOS / amd64
  • SBCL for MacOS / arm64 (M* macs)


  • garbage collection touches
    • An effort has been made to keep track of reference counts; but if something is missed, and users notice a memory leak, feel free to raise an issue!
    • trivial-garbage:finalize is used to establish the decref process for the pointer corresponding to the pyobject. However, this requires holding the GIL, and so, the user might need to evaluate (py4cl2-cffi::pygil-release) at the top level to release the GIL of the current thread, so that the finalizer thread can then acquire it.
  • documentation: see the docstrings for the moment; these need to be collected into a more user-friendly reference along with a couple of other things.
  • function return-values
  • function arguments
  • integers
  • strings with SBCL/Unicode
  • tuples
  • lists
  • dicts
  • double floats
  • numpy arrays to CL arrays
  • output (partially)
  • error output (partially)
  • python variable values
  • object slots
  • methods
  • python stdout to lisp stdout (asynchronous, make sure to sys.stdout.flush())
  • with-python-output
  • lisp callbacks
  • numpy arrays to non-CL arrays
  • arbitrary module import
  • numpy floats
  • optimization (See ./perf-compare/
  • unloading python libraries to allow reloading python without restarting lisp (?)
  • playing nice with dumping a lisp image
  • single threaded mode: some python libraries (including matplotlib) hate multithreaded environments

... and much more ...



Lisp Package Managers

Use ultralisp or ocicl.

Barebones + quicklisp

Locally clone the repository and quickload against the latest quicklisp dist.

git clone


CL-USER> (ql:quickload "py4cl2-cffi/config")
To load "py4cl2-cffi/config":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "py4cl2-cffi/config"
[package py4cl2-cffi/config]

Loading py4cl2-cffi/config sets the following variables of interest in the py4cl2-cffi/config package:

  • *python-ldflags*
  • *python-includes*
  • *python-executable-path*
  • *python-site-packages-path*

In addition, py4cl2-cffi/config also exports the following useful symbols:

  • print-configuration: It is fbound to a function which prints the ldflags and includes that will be used for the compilation of the utility shared object/library that bridges the python C-API with lisp.
  • shared-library-from-lflag: This is fbound to a generic function which takes in two arguments. The first argument is an ldflag (like -lpython3.10) and the second argument is the (uiop:operating-system) as a keyword to be used for specialization on the users systems. Each method should return the shared library name associated with that ldflag and software type. For example, when (uiop:operating-system) is :linux, the relevant method should return

For the most part, configuration happens automatically while loading py4cl2-cffi/config. This requires that python3 and python3-config point to the right programs in the environment in which the lisp is run. Configuration in global or conda environments should be automatic then.

However, pyvenv environments require that users set *python-executable-path* manually, before loading py4cl2-cffi.

Basic Usage

(defpackage :python-lisp-user
  (:use :cl :py4cl2-cffi))

(in-package :python-lisp-user)

Start the embedded python by (pystart). If successful, (python-alive-p) should return T.

At the heart of py4cl2-cffi are pyvalue and pycall. This is in contrast to py4cl2. In py4cl2, raw-pyeval and raw-pyexec were the heart. There, pycall ultimately resulted in calls to raw-pyeval. However, py4cl2-cffi has the opposite behavior. Here, raw-pyeval and raw-pyexec ultimately depend on pyvalue and pycall. raw-pyeval and raw-pyexec are not only slow but also ugly in their implementations. Thus, whereever possible, you should try to use pyvalue, (setf pyvalue), and pycall.

pyvalue lets you obtain the value corresponding to a python name. It takes a string denoting a python name and returns a value corresponding to that name. For example,

(pyvalue "sys")
;=> #<PYOBJECT-WRAPPER :type <class 'module'>
;     <module 'sys' (built-in)>
;    {1004AAA1C3}>

An attempt will be made to convert the return values to lisp objects.

(pyvalue "answer_to_everything")
; Evaluation aborted on #<PY4CL2-CFFI:PYERROR {100514C153}>.
(setf (pyvalue "answer_to_everything") 42)
;=> 42
(pyvalue "answer_to_everything")
;=> 42

But if such a conversion is not possible (see define-lispifier and pythonize), an instance of pyobject-wrapper will be returned. Note that pyvalue also has a (setf pyvalue) which can be used to set the value of a python name, as we did in the above example.

The printing of a pyobject-wrapper-instance can be made less ugly by setting *print-pyobject-wrapper-identity* to NIL.

(pyvalue "sys")
;=> #<PYOBJECT-WRAPPER :type <class 'module'>
;    <module 'sys' (built-in)>
;   {1004AAA1C3}>
(setf *print-pyobject-wrapper-identity* nil)
;=> NIL
(pyvalue "sys")
;=> <module 'sys' (built-in)>

A python callable, that is, a python function, class, or anything that can be called, can be called using pycall. The first argument of pycall is usually the name of a python callable.

(pyvalue "str")
;=> <class 'str'>
(pycall "str" 42)
;=> "42"

But it can also be

  • a cffi:foreign-pointer to the python callable,
  • a pyobject-wrapper-instance wrapping the foreign pointer,
  • a string, which on passing to raw-pyeval returns a python callable
  • or, any object that can be pythonize-d to a python callable.

Like pyvalue, pycall too will attempt to convert the return value to a lisp object. But if that is not possible, it will return a pyobject-wrapper-instance.

Python modules can be imported using the lightweight import-module. The values from the module can then be accessed using pyvalue, and callables can be called using pycall.

(import-module "math") ;=> T
(pyvalue "math.pi") ;=> 3.141592653589793d0
(pycall "math.hypot" 3 4) ;=> 5.0d0

A particular name from a particular python module can be imported using import-function.

(import-function "hypot" "math") ;=> T
(pycall "hypot" 12 5) ;=> 13.0d0

defpyfun and defpymodule are heavyweight alternatives to import-function and import-module. defpyfun defines a lisp function that calls the python callable. defpymodule defines lisp package(s) that holds certain symbols. These symbols are fbound to lisp functions which call corresponding python callables. For example, the below (defpymodule "math") form defines a lisp-package with name MATH.

(defpymodule "math")
; Defining MATH for accessing python package math..
;=> T

The lisp package MATH contains lisp functions that call corresponding python callables. For example the lisp function math:hypot below calls the python callable math.hypot.

(math:hypot 7 24) ;=> 25.0d0

Passing arrays by reference:

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (ql:quickload "array-operations")
To load "array-operations":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "array-operations"

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (let ((a (aops:rand* 'single-float 10))
                        (b (aops:rand* 'single-float 10)))
                    (print a)
                    (print b)
                    (pycall "numpy.add" a b :out a)

#(0.5093733 0.615062 0.5520501 0.4115485 0.35940528 0.0056368113 0.31019592
  0.4214077 0.32522345 0.2879219)
#(0.23799527 0.9120656 0.99672806 0.54783416 0.91948783 0.14750922 0.68077135
  0.75351477 0.17053545 0.6163509)
#(0.7473686 1.5271276 1.5487782 0.95938265 1.2788931 0.15314603 0.9909673
1.1749225 0.4957589 0.9042728)

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (let ((a (aops:rand* 'double-float '(3 3))))
                    (print a)
                    (pycall "numpy.linalg.svd" a))
#2A((0.8441753387451172d0 0.3109557628631592d0 0.34773027896881104d0)
    (0.3423733711242676d0 0.6038261651992798d0 0.41209208965301514d0)
    (0.5945597887039185d0 0.06366562843322754d0 0.6331008672714233d0))
SVDResult(U=array([[-0.65892971,  0.44979069, -0.60290959],
       [-0.65302311, -0.73986678,  0.16173425],
       [-0.37332622,  0.50028539,  0.78124392]]), S=array([1.41737039, 0.5804025 , 0.01089903]), Vh=array([[-0.53068899, -0.75714703, -0.38091676],
       [-0.6309116 ,  0.65299712, -0.41898128],
       [ 0.56596798,  0.01797605, -0.82423122]]))


PYTHON-LISP-USER> (raw-pyexec "def foo(fn, *args, **kwargs): return fn(*args, **kwargs)")

; No value
PYTHON-LISP-USER> (pycall "foo" (lambda (d e &rest args &key a b &allow-other-keys)
                                  (declare (ignore a b))
                                  (list* d e args))
                          8 9 :a 2 :b 3 :d 5)
(8 9 "d" 5 "b" 3 "a" 2)


PYTHON-LISP-USER> (defpymodule "numpy" t :silent t)
PYTHON-LISP-USER> (numpy.random:random '(2 3 4))
#3A(((0.9556724994386294d0 0.9207667929741092d0 0.38080996781642207d0
     (0.1939761803809288d0 0.052707969761970785d0 0.5641774015926598d0
     (0.663085466238284d0 0.8208948328437302d0 0.768715035806218d0
    ((0.9523448513613038d0 0.8293149376922084d0 0.6616993552816121d0
     (0.004265522613073891d0 0.8874616779694773d0 0.45500882951834853d0
     (0.3041085477740366d0 0.4351811902627044d0 0.031589664841209175d0
PYTHON-LISP-USER> (numpy:sum * :axis '(0 2))
#(5.622032172332849d0 2.8405971707274817d0 4.483681664998286d0)
PYTHON-LISP-USER> (with-lispifiers ((array (lambda (o)
                                             (magicl:from-array o (array-dimensions o)))))
                    (numpy.random:random '(3 4)))
   0.814     0.278     0.330     0.782
   0.858     0.342     0.282     0.225
   0.806     0.144     0.543     0.215>


See #11

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (import-module "matplotlib.pyplot" :as "plt")
PYTHON-LISP-USER> (pycall "plt.plot"
                     (alexandria:iota 10)
                     (mapcar (lambda (x) (* x x))
                             (alexandria:iota 10)))
#(#<PYTHON-OBJECT :type <class 'matplotlib.lines.Line2D'>
PYTHON-LISP-USER> (float-features:with-float-traps-masked t
                    (pycall ""))
#<PYTHON-OBJECT :type <class 'NoneType'>


Out of the box, py4cl2-cffi is about 10-15 times slower than native CPython.

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (import-module "math")
                   (loop for i below 100000
                         do (pycall "math.sin" i)))
Evaluation took:
  1.112 seconds of real time
  1.109842 seconds of total run time (1.105747 user, 0.004095 system)
  [ Real times consist of 0.052 seconds GC time, and 1.060 seconds non-GC time. ]
  [ Run times consist of 0.052 seconds GC time, and 1.058 seconds non-GC time. ]
  99.82% CPU
  2,448,781,258 processor cycles
  41,682,272 bytes consed


A simple way to speed up is to surround the block of code in (with-python-gil ...) or (pygil-ensure ...) and (pygil-release). However, lisp implementations usually perform garbage collection from separate thread. So, if pyobject-wrapper-objects are generated, there finalizers will never run until the GIL is released from the main thread.

                     (loop for i below 100000
                           do (pycall "math.sin" i))))
Evaluation took:
  0.792 seconds of real time
  0.794365 seconds of total run time (0.793760 user, 0.000605 system)
  100.25% CPU
  1,754,116,832 processor cycles
  30,403,504 bytes consed


A slightly more involved method involves setting py4cl2-cffi/config:*disable-pystop* to non-NIL before py4cl2-cffi is loaded. You may optionally need to compile py4cl2-cffi again. Thus -

;;; On a fresh lisp image
(asdf:load-system "py4cl2-cffi/config" :silent t)
(setf py4cl2-cffi/config:*disable-pystop* t)
(asdf:load-system "py4cl2-cffi" :force t)

(defpackage :python-lisp-user
  (:use :cl :py4cl2-cffi))

(in-package :python-lisp-user)

This will allow the compiler macro of pycall to dump the pointer to the callable into the compiled code. For example, see the SB-SYS:INT-SAP below.

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (disassemble
                   (compile nil `(lambda (x)
                                   (pycall "math.sin" x))))
; disassembly for (LAMBDA (X))
; Size: 35 bytes. Origin: #x557DD5CF                          ; (LAMBDA (X))
; CF:       498B4510         MOV RAX, [R13+16]                ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
; D3:       488945F8         MOV [RBP-8], RAX
; D7:       488B15BAFFFFFF   MOV RDX, [RIP-70]                ; #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X753F7547FD80)
; DE:       488BFE           MOV RDI, RSI
; E1:       B904000000       MOV ECX, 4
; E6:       FF7508           PUSH QWORD PTR [RBP+8]
; E9:       B8828FB550       MOV EAX, #x50B58F82              ; #<FDEFN PY4CL2-CFFI::%PYCALL>
; EE:       FFE0             JMP RAX
; F0:       CC10             INT3 16                          ; Invalid argument count trap

The impact on performance:

                   (loop for i below 100000
                         do (pycall "math.sin" i)))
Evaluation took:
  0.520 seconds of real time
  0.521538 seconds of total run time (0.521249 user, 0.000289 system)
  100.38% CPU
  1,151,647,842 processor cycles
  17,628,400 bytes consed

                     (loop for i below 100000
                           do (pycall "math.sin" i))))
Evaluation took:
  0.324 seconds of real time
  0.322341 seconds of total run time (0.322341 user, 0.000000 system)
  99.38% CPU
  711,752,998 processor cycles
  9,600,240 bytes consed


defpymodule and defpyfun add an (import-module ...) form to the lisp function bodies when :safety is non-NIL (default). With this, the function can work correctly even if it was called after a (pystop). With *disable-pystop* set to NIL (default), (pystop) clears the global namespace. The (import-module ...) before the actual pycall can then import the module back to the global namespace. However, this incurs a performance penalty.

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (defpyfun "sin" "math" :lisp-fun-name "PYSIN")
                   (loop for i below 10000
                         do (pysin i)))
Evaluation took:
  2.872 seconds of real time
  2.928811 seconds of total run time (2.508456 user, 0.420355 system)
  101.98% CPU
  6,349,788,686 processor cycles
  26,563,104 bytes consed


By passing :safety nil, the (import-module ...) form can be avoided.

PYTHON-LISP-USER> (defpyfun "sin" "math" :lisp-fun-name "PYSIN"
                    :safety nil)
                   (loop for i below 10000
                         do (pysin i)))
Evaluation took:
  0.060 seconds of real time
  0.060613 seconds of total run time (0.060607 user, 0.000006 system)
  101.67% CPU
  133,806,218 processor cycles
  2,424,544 bytes consed


Overall, these measures allow py4cl2-cffi to be within a factor of 5 of CPython. See ./perf-compare/.

Developer Thoughts on Garbage Collection

If you are working with raw pointers, then all bets are off about handling garbage collection.

Thus, the only time garbage collection should "work correctly" aka - without (i) segmentation faults (ii) memory leaks - is when you are not working with raw pointers. In other words, functions that return lisp values must perform garbage collection.

An exhaustive list of functions that return lisp values include:

  • pyvalue
  • pyslot-value
  • pymethod
  • pycall
  • pyhelp
  • pyslot-list
  • pymethod-list

Even amongst these, GC should not take place until the top level call has done its processing. To be more intrincate seems to require a merge of the python interpreter with the lisp interpreter.

The single place which decides what to not collect is the function "lispify" when it returns a python-object struct-wrapper around the pyobject. In these cases, we PYUNTRACK the pointers.

During DecRef-ing through an object finalizer, one needs to hold the GIL, because at least on SBCL, the finalizer may be called through any thread. DecRef-ing without holding the GIL results in segmentation faults.

API Reference


Default Value: NIL

A list of strings each of which should be python code. All the code will be executed by pystart.


Default Value: NIL

defpymodule avoids printing progress if this is T.



A list of PY4CL2 features available on the system. (Support for :ARRAYS requires numpy and is only determinable after python process has started.)

The list can include one or more of:

:with-python-output :TYPED-ARRAYS


Default Value: NIL

Each entry in the alist LISPIFIERS maps from a lisp-type to a single-argument lisp function. This function takes as input the "default" lisp objects and is expected to appropriately parse it to the corresponding lisp object.

NOTE: This is a new feature and hence unstable; recommended to avoid in production code.


Default Value: T

If non-NIL, python's 'str' is called on the python-object before printing.


Default Value: T

If non-NIL, print's the lisp type and identity of the pyobject-wrapper.


Default Value: 1000

Number of references in PYTHON-NEW-REFERENCES after which PYGC manipulates reference counts.


Default Value: NIL

Each entry in the alist PYTHONIZERS maps from a lisp-type to a single-argument PYTHON-FUNCTION-DESIGNATOR. This python function takes as input the "default" python objects and is expected to appropriately convert it to the corresponding python object.

NOTE: This is a new feature and hence unstable; recommended to avoid in production code.


Constant: NIL


No documentation found for +py-empty-tuple+


No documentation found for +py-empty-tuple-pointer+


No documentation found for +py-none+


No documentation found for +py-none-pointer+


Macro: (chain &rest chain)

This is inspired by PARENSCRIPT:CHAIN, discussed in this issue: bendudson/py4cl#4

In python it is quite common to apply a chain of method calls, data member access, and indexing operations to an object. To make this work smoothly in Lisp, there is the chain macro (Thanks to @kat-co and parenscript for the inspiration). This consists of a target object, followed by a chain of operations to apply. For example

(chain "hello {0}" (format "world") (capitalize)) ; => "Hello world"

which is interpreted as: "hello {0}".format("world").capitalize().

Or -

(chain "hello {0}" (format "world") (capitalize) (aref 1)) ; => "e"

which is interpreted as: "hello {0}".format("world").capitalize()[1].

chain has two variants: chain is a macro, with the elements of chain unevaluated, while chain* is a function with its elements (arguments) evaluated according to a normal lisp function call..

Some more examples are as follows:

(chain (slice 3) stop) ; => 3
(let ((format-str "hello {0}")
      (argument "world"))
 (chain* format-str `(format ,argument))) ; => "hello world"

Arguments to methods are lisp, since only the top level forms in chain are treated specially:

CL-USER> (chain (slice 3) stop)
CL-USER> (let ((format-str "hello {0}")
               (argument "world"))
           (chain* format-str `(format ,argument)))
"hello world"
CL-USER> (chain* "result: {0}" `(format ,(+ 1 2)))
"result: 3"
CL-USER> (chain (aref "hello" 4))
CL-USER> (chain (aref "hello" (slice 2 4)))
CL-USER> (chain (aref #2A((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) (slice 0 2)))
#2A((1 2 3) (4 5 6))
CL-USER> (chain (aref #2A((1 2 3) (4 5 6)) 1 (slice 0 2))) ; array[1, 0:2]
#(4 5)
CL-USER> (pyexec "class TestClass:
    def doThing(self, value = 42):
        return value")
CL-USER> (chain ("TestClass") ("doThing" :value 31))

There is also (SETF chain). However, this is more experimental. It requires that the python object remains as a wrapper. with-remote-objects can ensure this. with-remote-objects* additionally lispifies the return value:

CL-USER> (with-remote-objects*
           (let ((lst (pycall "list" '(1 2 3))))
             (setf (chain* `(aref ,lst 0)) 4)
#(4 2 3)

Note that this modifies the value in python, so the above example only works because lst is a pyobject-wrapper, rather than a lisp object. The following therefore does not work:

CL-USER> (let ((lst (pycall "list" '(1 2 3))))
           (setf (chain* `(aref ,lst 0)) 4)
#(1 2 3)


Function: (chain* &rest chain)


Macro: (define-lispifier name (pyobject-var) &body body)


Macro: (defpyfun fun-name &optional pymodule-name &key (as fun-name) (cache t)
        (lisp-fun-name (lispify-name as)) (lisp-package *package*) (safety t))

Defines a function which calls python


(py4cl:pyexec "import math")
(py4cl:defpyfun "math.sqrt")
(math.sqrt 42) -> 6.4807405


  • FUN-NAME: name of the function in python, before import

  • PYMODULE-NAME: name of the module containing fun-name

  • AS: name of the function in python, after import

  • CACHE: if non-NIL, constructs the function body at macroexpansion time

  • LISP-FUN-NAME: name of the lisp symbol to which the function is bound*

  • LISP-PACKAGE: package (not its name) in which lisp-fun-name will be interned

  • SAFETY: if T, adds an additional line in the function asking to import the package or function, so that the function works even after pystop is called. However, this increases the overhead of stream communication, and therefore, can reduce speed.


Macro: (defpymodule pymodule-name &optional (submodules NIL) &key (cache t)
        (continue-ignoring-errors t)
        (lisp-package (lispify-name pymodule-name)) (reload t)
        (recompile-on-change NIL) (safety t) (silent *defpymodule-silent-p*))

Import a python module (and its submodules) as a lisp-package(s).


(py4cl:defpymodule "math" :lisp-package "M")
(m:sqrt 4)   ; => 2.0


  • PYMODULE-NAME: name of the module in python, before importing


    • can be NIL if no lisp packages corresponding to submodules are to be defined
    • can be T to define lisp packages corresponding to non-hidden submodules
    • can be :HIDDEN to define lisp packages corresponding to both hidden as well as non-hidden submodules
    • can be a LIST or nested alist of submodule names. Each element of the list is either a string, or a nested alist mapping the submodule name to its subsubmodule names in the same format as submodules
  • CONTINUE-IGNORING-ERRORS: This is set to non-NIL for convenience. Set to NIL while debugging. When this is NIL, all kinds of errors will be signalled instead of being suppressed silently.

  • CACHE: if non-NIL, produces the DEFPACKAGE and DEFUN forms at macroexpansion time to speed-up future reloads of the system

  • LISP-PACKAGE: lisp package, in which to intern (and export) the callables

  • RECOMPILE-ON-CHANGE: the name of the ASDF system to recompile if the python version of pymodule-name changes; this only has effect if cache is non-NIL

  • RELOAD: redefine the lisp-package if T

  • SAFETY: value of safety to pass to defpyfun; see defpyfun

  • SILENT: prints "status" lines when NIL


Macro: (disable-pygc)


Macro: (enable-pygc)


Function: (export-function function python-name)

Makes a lisp function available in python process as python-name


Function: (import-function name from &key (as NIL))


Function: (import-module name &key (as NIL))


Function: (pycall python-callable &rest args)

If python-callable is a string or symbol, it is treated as the name of a python callable, which is then retrieved using PYVALUE*



A lisp error to indicate all kinds of python error.


Function: (pyeval &rest args)


Function: (pyexec &rest args)


Function: (pygenerator function stop-value)


Function: (pyhelp string-or-python-callable)


Function: (pymethod object method-name &rest args)


Function: (pymethod-list pyobject &key (as-vector NIL))



A wrapper around a pointer to a python object. LOAD-FORM is used if the pyobject-wrapper is dumped into a compiled lisp file.


Function: (pyobject-wrapper-eq o1 o2)

Returns T if o1 and o2 are both pyobject-wrapper with the same pointer, or the same lisp objects which are EQ to each other. Returns NIL in all other cases.


Function: (pyobject-wrapper-eq* o1 o2)

Like pyobject-wrapper-eq but assumes that o1 and o2 are pyobject-wrapper each.


Function: (pyref object &rest indices)

Wrapper around python's getitem along with support for slicing.


(pyref "hello" 1) ;=> "e"
; NOTE: Python does not make a distinction between strings and characters

(pyref #(1 2 3) 1) ;=> 2
(pyref #(1 2 3 4 5) '(slice 3 5)) ;=> #(4 5)

(import-module "numpy")
  (pyref (chain ("numpy.arange" 12) ("reshape" (3 4)))
         `(slice ,+py-none+)


Function: (pyslot-list pyobject &key (as-vector NIL))


Function: (pyslot-value object slot-name)


Function: (pystart)


Function: (pystop)


Function: (python-alive-p)


Generic Function: (python-getattr object slot-name)

Called when python accesses an object's slot (getattr)


Generic Function: (python-setattr object slot-name value)

Called when python sets an object's slot (setattr)


Function: (python-start-if-not-alive)


Generic Function: (pythonize lisp-value-or-object)

Given a lisp object, return a CFFI:FOREIGN-POINTER pointing to the python object corresponding to the given lisp object.

The implemented methods are expected to return a new (strong) reference to the python object. The method is also expected to call PYTRACK to notify the PYGC functionality to delete the reference once the object is no longer needed.

See the documentation for PYGC to understand when reference deletion takes place.


Function: (pyvalue python-name-or-variable)

Get the value of a python-name-or-variable.


(pyvalue "sys") ;=> <module 'sys' (built-in)>
(pyvalue "sys.path")


Function: (pyversion-info)

Return a list, using the result of python's sys.version_info.


Function: (raw-pyeval &rest code-strings)

Unlike PY4CL or PY4CL2, the use of RAW-PY, raw-pyeval and raw-pyexec, pyeval, pyexec should be avoided unless necessary. Instead, use pycall, pyvalue, (SETF pyvalue), pyslot-value, (SETF pyslot-value), and pymethod.

RAW-PY, raw-pyeval, raw-pyexec are only provided for backward compatibility.


Function: (raw-pyexec &rest code-strings)

Unlike PY4CL or PY4CL2, the use of RAW-PY, raw-pyeval and raw-pyexec, pyeval, pyexec should be avoided unless necessary. Instead, use pycall, pyvalue, (SETF pyvalue), pyslot-value, (SETF pyslot-value), and pymethod.

RAW-PY, raw-pyeval, raw-pyexec are only provided for backward compatibility.



A specialization of PYERROR to hold the python error type.

Direct Slots


Initargs: :TYPE


Macro: (with-lispifiers (&rest overriding-lispifiers) &body body)

Each entry of overriding-lispifiers is a two-element list of the form


Here, TYPE is unevaluated, while LISPIFIER will be evaluated; the LISPIFIER is expected to take a default-lispified object (see lisp-python types translation table in docs) and return the appropriate object user expects.

For example,

(raw-pyeval "[1, 2, 3]") ;=> #(1 2 3) ; the default lispified object
(with-lispifiers ((vector (lambda (x) (coerce x 'list))))
  (print (raw-pyeval "[1,2,3]"))
  (print (raw-pyeval "5")))
; #(1 2 3) ; default lispified object
; (1 2 3)  ; coerced to LIST by the lispifier
; 5        ; lispifier uncalled for non-VECTOR

NOTE: This is a new feature and hence unstable; recommended to avoid in production code.


Macro: (with-pygc &body body)

Code surrounded by with-pygc performs garbage collection only after executing all of body.


Macro: (with-python-error-output &body forms-decl)

Gets the output of the python program executed in forms-decl in the form a string.


Macro: (with-python-gil &body body)


Macro: (with-python-output &body forms-decl)

Gets the output of the python program executed in forms-decl in the form a string.


Macro: (with-pythonizers (&rest overriding-pythonizers) &body body)

Each entry of overriding-pythonizers is a two-element list of the form


Here, TYPE is unevaluated, while PYTHONIZER will be evaluated; the PYTHONIZER is expected to take a default-pythonized object (see lisp-python types translation table in docs) and return the appropriate object user expects.

For example,

; A convenience function
(defun pyprint (object)
  (pycall "print" object)
  (pycall "sys.stdout.flush")

(pyprint #(1 2 3)) ; prints [1, 2, 3] ; the default object
(with-pythonizers ((vector "tuple"))
  (pyprint #(1 2 3))
  (pyprint 5))
; (1, 2, 3) ; coerced to tuple by the pythonizer
; 5         ; pythonizer uncalled for non-VECTOR

NOTE: This is a new feature and hence unstable; recommended to avoid in production code.


Macro: (with-remote-objects &body body)

Ensures that all values returned by python functions and methods are kept in python, and only pointers are returned to lisp. This is useful if performing operations on large datasets.


Macro: (with-remote-objects* &body body)

Ensures that all values returned by python functions and methods are kept in python, and only handles returned to lisp. This is useful if performing operations on large datasets. Unlike with-remote-objects, evaluates the last result and returns not just a handle.