Symfony 6 basic authentication system
Step 1: Setup your .env
Step 2 : If your database does not exists yet then run following command to create a new database for you.
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
Step 3: Lets run the migrations.
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update -f
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
It will create necessary tables into your database and create a admin user with username
and password
is admin
Step 4: Frontend Setup.
npm install
npm run build
Step 5: Run phpunit test
php bin/phpunit
Congratulations! your site is now ready.
- Login
- Registration
- Forget password
- Change Password
- Profile Picture
- Admin notify for new user registration
- Profile info change for logged in user
- Users list page for Admin user.
- Progressive Web Application
- Offline Web Application