Merative® Digital Health Pass
Version 1.0, November 2022 © Copyright Merative US L.P. and others 2022
↳ Using CredentialVerifierBuilder
↳ Verifier credential and cache expiration
↳ Creating a custom credential verifier plug-in
Merative® provides this extensible library for use by Digital Health Pass customers that want to verify several types of digitally-verifiable healthcare credentials. The credential verifiers are referred to as plug-ins. If this library does not contain a verifier plug-in for a given type of credential, then you can create a custom plug-in and pass it to the library.
In this SDK, several plug-ins are provided that can verify encrypted, digital immunization credentials.
Table 1: Currently-available verifier plug-ins
Healthcare credentials | Plug-in name |
IBM Digital Health Pass (IDHP) and Good Health Pass (GHP) | idhp-verifier |
Digital COVID Certificate (European Union) | eu-dcc-verifier |
Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI™) SMART Health Cards | vci-verifier |
To verify credentials, you must first include the library in your project. Then, you'll normally only need to import one class, CredentialVerifierBuilder
`from multi_cred_verifier_python.verifier.credential_verifier_builder import CredentialVerifierBuilder`
To verify a credential:
# Instantiate the builder.
# builder is expensive to initialize so
# reuse an instance to verify credentials
builder = CredentialVerifierBuilder() \
.set_healthpass_host_url(host_url) \
.set_verifier_credential(verifier_credential) \
.set_return_credential(True) \
#Initialize the builder instance
init_response = builder.init()
# If initialize fails, inspect response, and perhaps try again
if not init_response.success:
return init_response
# Start verifying credentials
# Set the credential and build a verifier
credential_verifier = builder.set_credential(credential).build()
# Verify the credential
verify_result = credential_verifier.verify()
# Verification was not successful. Check verify_result.message
# and/or verify_result.error
if not verify_result.success:
return verify_result
# Verification was successful
returns an instance of CredentialVerifier
, which has only one public method, verify()
returns a VerificationResult
instance, which has this structure:
"success": "true or false boolean",
"message": "status message",
"credType": "IDHP, GHP, SHC, DCC, UNKNOWN",
"credential": "the extracted credential",
"metadata": "the metadata extracted from the credential with custom keys"
"error": "axios error that occurred while communicating with healthpass api"
"warnings": "pending cache and/or verifier credential expiration warnings"
"credential": "the decoded credential"
This sets the Healthpass Host URL that is used to obtain tokens, verifier configurations, and public keys:
This must be called after instantiating a CredentialVerifierBuilder
, and before verifying credentials to initialize the builder.
Initialization logs in with the verifier credential, downloads the verifier configuration, pre-cache public keys (if configured to do so), and configures the builder to create verifiers. In addition, after setting a new verifier credential, init()
must be called, using set_verifier_credential()
This sets the credential to be verified. The credential
parameter can either be an object or a string. A credential must always be provided:
verifyResult = CredentialVerifierBuilder()
This sets the two-letter country code for the language to use for keys for the credential metadata returned in the VerificationResult. The default is en
, for English:
new CredentialVerifierBuilder().setMetadataLanguage(lang);
This sets custom credential verifier plug-ins that the library does not provide. The additionalPlugins
parameter can be either a single VerifierPlugin
, or an array of VerifierPlugin
. For more information about creating custom verifier plug-ins, see Creating a custom credential verifier plug-in.
This sets the names of disabled credential verifier plug-ins. These plug-ins do not execute during credential verification:
verifyResult = CredentialVerifierBuilder()
This sets whether a successful validation returns the credential in the payload (VerificationResult
). The default is false:
verifyResult = CredentialVerifierBuilder()
This can be anything that is needed by a custom credential verifier plug-in:
verifyResult = CredentialVerifierBuilder()
.set_extras({anything: 'anything needed for custom plugin'})
For more information, see Creating a custom credential verifier plug-in.
A verifier credential has an expiration date within the JSON. The cache has a time to live (TTL) in seconds, which is specified in the verifier configuration. Both have a grace period of 90 percent of either the expiration date or the TTL, when the VerificationResult
payload contains warnings of the pending expiration.
Example: If the cache expires in 24 hours, then the grace period starts in 21.6 hours, and the payload returns with a warning.
When the grace period begins, the cache automatically begins refreshing itself, if there is network connectivity. A new verifier credential can be set on the builder instance by calling setVerifierCredential
, and then calling init
If either the verifier credential or the cache expiration is reached, then verification is not possible until the issue is resolved. Here are the warning and errors that are returned:
The cache will expire on <*DATE*>. Connect to network to refresh cache before then to continue verifying credentials.
Verifier credential will expire on <*DATE*>. Set a new verifier credential while connected to network before then to continue verifying credentials.
Verifier credential expired on <*DATE*>. Set a new verifier credential while connected to network to continue verifying credentials.
Cache expired on <*DATE*>. Connect to network to refresh cache to continue verifying credentials.
This section lists messages returned in the VerificationResult
Table 2: VerificationResult messages
Message text | Message value |
Certificate's signature is not valid |
The credential's signature is not valid. |
Credential is not valid. Failing rule id(s):<*Rule_IDs*> |
The credential failed at least one rule. This includes a comma-delimited list of the failed rule IDs. |
Credential is valid |
The credential passes signature and rules validation. |
Display mapping not found for <*credType*> |
The display mapping for a credential type is not found in the verifier configuration. |
Revoke status validation failed :: Credential is revoked |
The credential is revoked. |
Rules not found |
The rules for a credential type are not found in the verifier configuration. |
Trust lists not found |
The trust list for a credential type is not found in the verifier configuration. |
Unknown Credential Type |
Verifying an unknown credential type |
Unknown Issuer |
The issuer is not found in the Healthpass API. |
Unknown public key format |
The public key that is used to verify a credential is in an unknown format. |
If there is an error performing a request, the error object is returned in the VerificationResult
error field, for debugging purposes.
You can create custom credential verifier plug-ins to verify credentials that are not supported by the library's provided plug-ins.
This creates a plug-in and imports the VerifierPluginBase
, VerificationResult
and CredentialVerifierParams
from multi_cred_verifier_python.verifier.verifier_plugin import VerifierPluginBase
from multi_cred_verifier_python.verifier.verification_result import VerificationResult
from multi_cred_verifier_python.verifier.credential_verifier_params import CredentialVerifierParams
The plug-in must extend the abstract VerifierPluginBase
class. There are two methods that must be implemented: verify(params)
and get_name()
A string for the name of the plug-in should be returned from get_name()
. The credential verification logic is in verify(params)
. During verification, an instance of CredentialVerifierParams
is passed as the single parameter. The parameter contains all properties that are set on the builder instance. This method should return a VerificationResult
instance, indicating whether the verification was successful.
To check whether the passed credential is of the type intended to be verified by the plug-in, a check should be placed at the beginning of the verification logic. If it isn't the intended type, then a VerificationResult
instance should be returned; this instance contains both a False first parameter and a None second parameter:
class VerifierPluginBase(VerifierPluginBase):
def verify(self, params: CredentialVerifierParams):
credential = params.get_credential()
public_key = params.get_extras()["public_key"]
result = self.check_is_example_credential_type(credential)
if not result.success:
return VerificationResult(False, None)
result = self.verify_signature(credential, public_key)
if not result.success:
return VerificationResult(
False, 'Signature verification failed for example credential type'
return VerificationResult(
True, 'Signature verification passed for example credential type', credential
def get_name(self):
return 'example-credential-verifier'
def check_is_example_credential_type(credential):
return credential.type == 'ExampleCredentialType'
def verify_signature(credential, publicKey):
# return True if able to verify the credential's
# signature with the public key, else return False.
return True
To use the custom plug-in, simply pass the class to the builder using the set_additional_plugins()
result = CredentialVerifierBuilder()
This section lists open source libraries used in this SDK.
Table 3: Libraries and sources for this SDK
Library | Source |
base45 | BSD-2-Clause License ( |
cbor2 | MIT License ( |
cwt | MIT License ( |
json_logic_qubit | MIT License ( |
jsonpath-python | MIT License ( |
pycryptodome | Apache® Software License, BSD License, Public Domain (BSD, Public Domain) ( |
PyJWT | MIT License ( |
python-dateutil | Either Apache 2.0 License or BSD 3-Clause ( |
pytz | MIT License ( |
requests-cache | BSD-2-Clause License ( |