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Extracted column rename logic from Schema Designer action into Schema…
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mpscholten committed May 11, 2022
1 parent 9b3e2c1 commit 3d7e071
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Showing 3 changed files with 306 additions and 45 deletions.
57 changes: 12 additions & 45 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/Controller/Columns.hs
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Expand Up @@ -71,39 +71,24 @@ instance Controller ColumnsController where
let tableName = param "tableName"
let columnName = param "name"
let validationResult = columnName |> validateColumn

case validationResult of
Failure message ->
setErrorMessage message
Success -> do
let defaultValue = param "defaultValue"
let table = findStatementByName tableName statements
let columns = maybe [] (get #columns . unsafeGetCreateTable) table
let columnId = param "columnId"
let column = Column
{ name = columnName
, columnType = SchemaOperations.arrayifytype (param "isArray") (param "columnType")
, defaultValue = defaultValue
, notNull = (not (param "allowNull"))
let options = SchemaOperations.UpdateColumnOptions
{ tableName
, columnName
, columnId = param "columnId"
, defaultValue = param "defaultValue"
, isArray = param "isArray"
, columnType = param "columnType"
, allowNull = param "allowNull"
, isUnique = param "isUnique"
, generator = Nothing
, primaryKey = param "primaryKey"
when ((get #name column) == "") do
setErrorMessage ("Column Name can not be empty")
redirectTo ShowTableAction { tableName }
updateSchema (map (updateColumnInTable tableName column (param "primaryKey") columnId))

-- Update Foreign Key Reference
let oldColumn = columns !! columnId
let oldColumnName = get #name oldColumn
let maybeConstraint = referencingColumnForeignKeyConstraints tableName oldColumnName statements
case maybeConstraint of
Just constraint -> do
let Just constraintId = elemIndex constraint statements
let constraintName = tableName <> "_ref_" <> columnName
let referenceTable = Text.splitOn "_id" columnName |> head |> Maybe.fromJust |> pluralize
let Just onDelete = get #onDelete (get #constraint constraint)
updateSchema (updateForeignKeyConstraint tableName columnName constraintName referenceTable onDelete constraintId)
Nothing -> pure ()

updateSchema $ SchemaOperations.updateColumn options
redirectTo ShowTableAction { .. }

action DeleteColumnAction { .. } = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,24 +170,6 @@ instance Controller ColumnsController where
updateSchema (deleteForeignKeyConstraint constraintName)
redirectTo ShowTableAction { .. }

updateColumnInTable :: Text -> Column -> Bool -> Int -> Statement -> Statement
updateColumnInTable tableName column isPrimaryKey columnId (StatementCreateTable table@CreateTable { name, columns, primaryKeyConstraint })
| name == tableName = StatementCreateTable $
{ columns = (replace columnId column columns)
, primaryKeyConstraint = updatePrimaryKeyConstraint column isPrimaryKey primaryKeyConstraint
updateColumnInTable tableName column isPrimaryKey columnId statement = statement

-- | Add or remove a column from the primary key constraint
updatePrimaryKeyConstraint :: Column -> Bool -> PrimaryKeyConstraint -> PrimaryKeyConstraint
updatePrimaryKeyConstraint Column { name } isPrimaryKey primaryKeyConstraint@PrimaryKeyConstraint { primaryKeyColumnNames } =
case (isPrimaryKey, name `elem` primaryKeyColumnNames) of
(False, False) -> primaryKeyConstraint
(False, True) -> PrimaryKeyConstraint (filter (/= name) primaryKeyColumnNames)
(True, False) -> PrimaryKeyConstraint (primaryKeyColumnNames <> [name])
(True, True) -> primaryKeyConstraint

toggleUniqueInColumn :: Text -> Int -> Statement -> Statement
toggleUniqueInColumn tableName columnId (StatementCreateTable table@CreateTable { name, columns })
| name == tableName = StatementCreateTable $
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94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions IHP/IDE/SchemaDesigner/SchemaOperations.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import IHP.Prelude
import IHP.IDE.SchemaDesigner.Types
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as Text

-- | A Schema.sql basically is just a list of sql DDL statements
type Schema = [Statement]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +101,99 @@ addColumn options@(AddColumnOptions { .. }) =
then addUpdatedAtTrigger tableName
else \schema -> schema)

data UpdateColumnOptions = UpdateColumnOptions
{ tableName :: !Text
, columnName :: !Text
, columnType :: !PostgresType
, defaultValue :: !(Maybe Expression)
, isArray :: !Bool
, allowNull :: !Bool
, isUnique :: !Bool
, primaryKey :: !Bool
, columnId :: !Int
updateColumn :: UpdateColumnOptions -> Schema -> Schema
updateColumn options@(UpdateColumnOptions { .. }) schema =
updateColumnAtIndex :: [Column] -> [Column]
updateColumnAtIndex columns = mapWithIndex updateColumnAtIndex' columns

mapWithIndex :: (a -> Int -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapWithIndex mapFn items = mapWithIndex' mapFn items 0
mapWithIndex' :: (a -> Int -> b) -> [a] -> Int -> [b]
mapWithIndex' mapFn [] _ = []
mapWithIndex' mapFn (item:rest) i = (mapFn item i):(mapWithIndex' mapFn rest (i + 1))

updateColumnAtIndex' :: Column -> Int -> Column
updateColumnAtIndex' column index | index == columnId = column
{ name = columnName
, columnType = arrayifytype isArray columnType
, defaultValue = defaultValue
, notNull = not allowNull
, isUnique
updateColumnAtIndex' column index = column

updateTableOp :: [Statement] -> [Statement]
updateTableOp = map \case
(StatementCreateTable table@(CreateTable { name, columns, primaryKeyConstraint })) | name == tableName ->
oldColumn :: Column
oldColumn = columns
|> (\c -> zip c [0..])
|> find ((\(c, index) -> index == columnId))
|> fromMaybe (error "could not find column with id")
|> fst
in StatementCreateTable $ (table :: CreateTable)
{ columns = updateColumnAtIndex columns
, primaryKeyConstraint = updatePrimaryKeyConstraint oldColumn primaryKey primaryKeyConstraint
otherwise -> otherwise

-- | Add or remove a column from the primary key constraint
updatePrimaryKeyConstraint :: Column -> Bool -> PrimaryKeyConstraint -> PrimaryKeyConstraint
updatePrimaryKeyConstraint Column { name } isPrimaryKey primaryKeyConstraint@PrimaryKeyConstraint { primaryKeyColumnNames } =
case (isPrimaryKey, name `elem` primaryKeyColumnNames) of
(False, False) -> primaryKeyConstraint
(False, True) -> PrimaryKeyConstraint (filter (/= name) primaryKeyColumnNames)
(True, False) -> PrimaryKeyConstraint (primaryKeyColumnNames <> [name])
(True, True) -> primaryKeyConstraint

updateForeignKeyConstraints = map \case
statement@(AddConstraint { tableName = constraintTable, constraint = constraint@(ForeignKeyConstraint { name = fkName, columnName = fkColumnName }) }) | constraintTable == tableName && fkColumnName == (get #name oldColumn) ->
let newName = Text.replace (get #name oldColumn) columnName <$> fkName
in statement { constraint = constraint { columnName, name = newName } }
index@(CreateIndex { indexName, tableName = indexTable, columns = indexColumns }) | indexTable == tableName ->
updateIndexColumn :: IndexColumn -> IndexColumn
updateIndexColumn indexColumn@(IndexColumn { column = VarExpression varName }) | varName == (get #name oldColumn) = indexColumn { column = VarExpression columnName }
updateIndexColumn otherwise = otherwise
(index :: Statement) { columns = map updateIndexColumn indexColumns, indexName = Text.replace (get #name oldColumn) columnName indexName }
otherwise -> otherwise
findOldColumn statements = mapMaybe findOldColumn' statements
|> head
|> fromMaybe (error "Could not find old column")
findOldColumn' (StatementCreateTable table@(CreateTable { name, columns, primaryKeyConstraint })) | name == tableName =
oldColumn :: Column
oldColumn = columns
|> (\c -> zip c [0..])
|> find ((\(c, index) -> index == columnId))
|> fromMaybe (error "could not find column with id")
|> fst
Just oldColumn
findOldColumn' _ = Nothing

oldColumn :: Column
oldColumn = findOldColumn schema
|> updateTableOp
|> updateForeignKeyConstraints

newColumn :: AddColumnOptions -> Column
newColumn AddColumnOptions { .. } = Column
{ name = columnName
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