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Fixed data subscriptions not always closed in specific cases
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We switched from manual resource handling to Exception.bracket with MVars to make sure that all data subscriptions are always closed when the underlying websocket connection is closed
  • Loading branch information
mpscholten committed Feb 8, 2022
1 parent 2c5afc0 commit 501bbef
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Showing 2 changed files with 79 additions and 62 deletions.
134 changes: 75 additions & 59 deletions IHP/DataSync/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ instance (
initialState = DataSyncController

run = do
setState DataSyncReady { subscriptions = HashMap.empty, transactions = HashMap.empty }
setState DataSyncReady { subscriptions = HashMap.empty, transactions = HashMap.empty, asyncs = [] }

ensureRLSEnabled <- makeCachedEnsureRLSEnabled
installTableChangeTriggers <- ChangeNotifications.makeCachedInstallTableChangeTriggers
Expand All @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ instance (
sendJSON DataSyncResult { result, requestId }

handleMessage CreateDataSubscription { query, requestId } = do

tableNameRLS <- ensureRLSEnabled (get #table query)

subscriptionId <- UUID.nextRandom
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,22 +113,23 @@ instance (
when isWatchingRecord do
sendJSON DidDelete { subscriptionId, id }
let subscribe = PGListener.subscribeJSON (ChangeNotifications.channelName tableNameRLS) callback pgListener
let unsubscribe subscription = PGListener.unsubscribe subscription pgListener
channelSubscription <- pgListener
|> PGListener.subscribeJSON (ChangeNotifications.channelName tableNameRLS) callback
Exception.bracket subscribe unsubscribe \channelSubscription -> do
close <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #subscriptions (HashMap.insert subscriptionId close))
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #subscriptions (HashMap.insert subscriptionId Subscription { id = subscriptionId, channelSubscription }))
sendJSON DidCreateDataSubscription { subscriptionId, requestId, result }
sendJSON DidCreateDataSubscription { subscriptionId, requestId, result }
MVar.takeMVar close
handleMessage DeleteDataSubscription { requestId, subscriptionId } = do
DataSyncReady { subscriptions } <- getState
let maybeSubscription :: Maybe Subscription = HashMap.lookup subscriptionId subscriptions
let (Just closeSignalMVar) = HashMap.lookup subscriptionId subscriptions
-- Cancel table watcher
case maybeSubscription of
Just subscription -> pgListener |> PGListener.unsubscribe (get #channelSubscription subscription)
Nothing -> pure ()
MVar.putMVar closeSignalMVar ()
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #subscriptions (HashMap.delete subscriptionId))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,35 +263,49 @@ instance (
transactionId <- UUID.nextRandom
(connection, localPool) <- ?modelContext
|> get #connectionPool
|> Pool.takeResource
let transaction = DataSyncTransaction
{ id = transactionId
, connection
, releaseConnection = Pool.putResource localPool connection
let globalModelContext = ?modelContext
let ?modelContext = globalModelContext { transactionConnection = Just connection } in sqlExecWithRLS "BEGIN" ()
let takeConnection = ?modelContext
|> get #connectionPool
|> Pool.takeResource
let releaseConnection (connection, localPool) = do
PG.execute connection "ROLLBACK" () -- Make sure there's no pending transaction in case something went wrong
Pool.putResource localPool connection
Exception.bracket takeConnection releaseConnection \(connection, localPool) -> do
transactionSignal <- MVar.newEmptyMVar
let globalModelContext = ?modelContext
let ?modelContext = globalModelContext { transactionConnection = Just connection } in sqlExecWithRLS "BEGIN" ()
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #transactions (HashMap.insert transactionId transaction))
let transaction = DataSyncTransaction
{ id = transactionId
, connection
, close = transactionSignal
sendJSON DidStartTransaction { requestId, transactionId }
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #transactions (HashMap.insert transactionId transaction))
sendJSON DidStartTransaction { requestId, transactionId }
MVar.takeMVar transactionSignal
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #transactions (HashMap.delete transactionId))
handleMessage RollbackTransaction { requestId, id } = do
sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId (Just id) "ROLLBACK" ()
DataSyncTransaction { id, close } <- findTransactionById id
closeTransaction id
sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId (Just id) "ROLLBACK" ()
MVar.putMVar close ()
sendJSON DidRollbackTransaction { requestId, transactionId = id }
handleMessage CommitTransaction { requestId, id } = do
sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId (Just id) "COMMIT" ()
DataSyncTransaction { id, close } <- findTransactionById id
closeTransaction id
sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId (Just id) "COMMIT" ()
MVar.putMVar close ()
sendJSON DidCommitTransaction { requestId, transactionId = id }
Expand All @@ -301,22 +318,24 @@ instance (
Right decodedMessage -> do
let requestId = get #requestId decodedMessage
-- Handle the messages in an async way
-- This increases throughput as multiple queries can be fetched
-- in parallel
async do
result <- Exception.try (handleMessage decodedMessage)
case result of
Left (e :: Exception.SomeException) -> do
let errorMessage = case fromException e of
Just (enhancedSqlError :: EnhancedSqlError) -> cs (get #sqlErrorMsg (get #sqlError enhancedSqlError))
Nothing -> cs (displayException e)
Log.error (tshow e)
sendJSON DataSyncError { requestId, errorMessage }
Right result -> pure ()
pure ()
Exception.mask \restore -> do
-- Handle the messages in an async way
-- This increases throughput as multiple queries can be fetched
-- in parallel
handlerProcess <- async $ restore do
result <- Exception.try (handleMessage decodedMessage)
case result of
Left (e :: Exception.SomeException) -> do
let errorMessage = case fromException e of
Just (enhancedSqlError :: EnhancedSqlError) -> cs (get #sqlErrorMsg (get #sqlError enhancedSqlError))
Nothing -> cs (displayException e)
Log.error (tshow e)
sendJSON DataSyncError { requestId, errorMessage }
Right result -> pure ()
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #asyncs (handlerProcess:))
pure ()
Left errorMessage -> sendJSON FailedToDecodeMessageError { errorMessage = cs errorMessage }
onClose = cleanupAllSubscriptions
Expand All @@ -327,16 +346,7 @@ cleanupAllSubscriptions = do
let pgListener = ?applicationContext |> get #pgListener
case state of
DataSyncReady { subscriptions, transactions } -> do
let channelSubscriptions = subscriptions
|> HashMap.elems
|> map (get #channelSubscription)
forEach channelSubscriptions \channelSubscription -> do
pgListener |> PGListener.unsubscribe channelSubscription
forEach (HashMap.elems transactions) (get #releaseConnection)
pure ()
DataSyncReady { asyncs } -> forEach asyncs uninterruptibleCancel
_ -> pure ()
changesToValue :: [ChangeNotifications.Change] -> Value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,11 +379,6 @@ findTransactionById transactionId = do
Just transaction -> pure transaction
Nothing -> error "No transaction with that id"
closeTransaction transactionId = do
DataSyncTransaction { releaseConnection } <- findTransactionById transactionId
modifyIORef' ?state (\state -> state |> modify #transactions (HashMap.delete transactionId))
-- | Allow max 10 concurrent transactions per connection to avoid running out of database connections
-- Each transaction removes a database connection from the connection pool. If we don't limit the transactions,
Expand All @@ -389,6 +394,14 @@ ensureBelowTransactionLimit = do
when (transactionCount >= maxTransactionsPerConnection) do
error ("You've reached the transaction limit of " <> tshow maxTransactionsPerConnection <> " transactions")
ensureBelowSubscriptionsLimit :: (?state :: IORef DataSyncController) => IO ()
ensureBelowSubscriptionsLimit = do
subscriptions <- get #subscriptions <$> readIORef ?state
let subscriptionsCount = HashMap.size subscriptions
let maxSubscriptionsPerConnection = 128
when (subscriptionsCount >= maxSubscriptionsPerConnection) do
error ("You've reached the subscriptions limit of " <> tshow maxSubscriptionsPerConnection <> " subscriptions")
sqlQueryWithRLSAndTransactionId ::
( ?modelContext :: ModelContext
, PG.ToRow parameters
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,8 +436,11 @@ sqlExecWithRLSAndTransactionId transactionId theQuery theParams = runInModelCont
$(deriveFromJSON defaultOptions 'DataSyncQuery)
$(deriveToJSON defaultOptions 'DataSyncResult)
instance SetField "subscriptions" DataSyncController (HashMap UUID Subscription) where
instance SetField "subscriptions" DataSyncController (HashMap UUID (MVar.MVar ())) where
setField subscriptions record = record { subscriptions }
instance SetField "transactions" DataSyncController (HashMap UUID DataSyncTransaction) where
setField transactions record = record { transactions }
setField transactions record = record { transactions }
instance SetField "asyncs" DataSyncController [Async ()] where
setField asyncs record = record { asyncs }
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions IHP/DataSync/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import IHP.DataSync.DynamicQuery
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified IHP.PGListener as PGListener
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PG
import Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar

data DataSyncMessage
= DataSyncQuery { query :: !DynamicSQLQuery, requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !(Maybe UUID) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,17 +43,17 @@ data DataSyncResponse
| DidRollbackTransaction { requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !UUID }
| DidCommitTransaction { requestId :: !Int, transactionId :: !UUID }

data Subscription = Subscription { id :: !UUID, channelSubscription :: !PGListener.Subscription }
data DataSyncTransaction
= DataSyncTransaction
{ id :: !UUID
, connection :: !PG.Connection
, releaseConnection :: IO ()
, close :: MVar ()

data DataSyncController
= DataSyncController
| DataSyncReady
{ subscriptions :: !(HashMap UUID Subscription)
{ subscriptions :: !(HashMap UUID (MVar.MVar ()))
, transactions :: !(HashMap UUID DataSyncTransaction)
, asyncs :: ![Async ()]

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