This repository provides a Deep Learning based solution to classify Disease Articles from Wikipedia. It includes python scripts to pre-process html documents, train new model by tweaking model hyperparameters or use existing model for inference.
It also includes model weights trained based on 13693 html documents (3693 positive + 10000 negative). The inputs to the model include:
- Title : Title of the wikipedia page extracted using <title></title> tags
- Table of Contents: List of section headers from table of contents section of the wikipedia page
- Introduction: First paragraph from the Introduction section of the wikipedia page
Performance Metrics:
Type | Accuracy |
Train | 99.5% |
Validation | 97.66% |
Test | 98.46% |
The user is required to clone this repository and spin-up the docker container using following commands. Once the docker container is spawn, a flask app is launched which can receive requests and produce results based on it.
In repo root:
sh ./tasks/
In repo root:
sh ./tasks/
The user needs to add html files corresponding to wikipedia articles to the test cases directory (api/test_cases). The files from this directory are read using the following commands and a request is posted to Flask app running inside the docker container to produce positve/negative flags for the articles.
In repo root:
sh ./tasks/
In repo root:
sh ./tasks/
Add Json files for train, validation and test datasets to api/app/cleaned_datasets directory. The structure of the json file should be as described in file in api/app folder. Alternatively, create new directory - 'training'(containing sub-directories - 'positive' and 'negative' consisting of respective html documents) in api/app/dataset directory and run file.
Update the params.yaml file in api/app/model directory to tweak the model architecture. This step can be skipped in order to continue with existing architecture
Run the following command in terminal with appropriate batch_size, n_epochs and model_file_name
python './model/params.yaml' batch_size n_epochs model_file_name