This theme is no longer maintained.
This is the theme for Hugo that supports the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project.
Hugo :: A fast and modern static website engine
- Accelerated Mobile Pages Project a.k.a AMP supported
- Responsive design
- Google Analytics
- Thumbnail
- High score by Google Page Speed Insight.
- Share button
- Structured data(Article and Breadcrumb)
- Twitter cards
- Specializing in SEO
$ cd themes
$ git clone
baseurl = ""
title = "SiteTitle"
googleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXXXX-XX" # Optional
contact = "" # Optional
dateformat = "Jan 2, 2006" # Optional
# Fonts settings.
googlefonts = "|Lato:400,700" # Optional, Include google fonts.
fontfamily = "Lato,YuGothic,'Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro',Meiryo,sans-serif" # Optional, Override body font family.
logofontfamily = "Lobster, cursive" # Optional, Override logo font.
# Optional, scripts for AMP.
ampscripts = """
<script async custom-element="amp-twitter" src=""></script>
<script async custom-element="amp-iframe" src=""></script>
<script async custom-element="amp-ad" src=""></script>
recents = 5 # Optional. Five is the default value that will be used if this is not set
Limits the number of recent articles to show at the end of a single post. Defaults to 5.
date = "2016-09-28T17:00:00+09:00"
title = "Article title here"
thumbnail = "images/thumbnail.jpg" # Optional, referenced at `$HUGO_ROOT/static/images/thumbnail.jpg`
This themes Header Menu
is using Section
Recommend that you use the section than taxonomy.
├── config.toml
├── content
│ ├── section1 # Separated by Section.
│ │ └──
│ └── section2
│ └──
├── layouts
└── static
├── favicon.ico
└── images # Place here thumbnail images.
└── thumbnail.png
Use this partial to configure an amp compatible commenting system like Disqus. This partial is rendered on single posts after the post summary but before the list of recent posts. By default this partial is empty.
{{% iframe src="" w="560" h="315" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" class="right" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" class="left" %}}
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" caption="Referenced from wikipedia." href="" %}}
Break float.
{{% img src="images/image.jpg" w="600" h="400" class="right" %}}
brabrabra # Displayed left of the image.
{{% clear %}}
brabrabra # Displayed below of the image.
{{% twitter tweetid="780599416621297xxx" %}}
Supported development mode.
env HUGO_ENV="DEV" hugo server --watch --buildDrafts=true --buildFuture=true -t solit
This mode is
- Not show Google Analytics tags.
- Show
. - Show
And set {{ if ne (getenv "HUGO_ENV") "DEV" }} Set elements here. {{ end }}
if you want to place only in a production environment.