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ScentLy is a MERN web application themed around fragrances. The functionality of the application covers the basic operations you would find in almost every web application (Create, Remove, Update, Delete). The app contains 3 collections on which you can execute these operations (User, Fragrance, Review) (MongoDB models are named identically). The main app folder is divided in 2 parts: "client" and "server".
The client folder is divided into "public" folder and a "src" folder. Inside the public folder you can expect to find common for the components css styles, html as well as other statics files. To be able to run the client part of the app, you will need to type "npm i" inside the console, within the "client" folder. The react app starts on port 3001.
The server folder aims to follow the MVC structure as much as possible, it consists of "config", "controllers", "models" and "service" folders as well as "index" and "router" files. "index.js" is the entry point for the server side of the application. The "config" folder is responsible for initializing the express app as well as the mongo database (mongoose). There you can find the settings to the ports as well as specific to the authentication process options (FOR FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION). The express app starts on port 3000.
Main URL: "http://localhost:3000"
Authentication: sub URL: "/auth"
1.1. Register: sub URL: "/register", payload: method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json', body: JSON.stringify(body),
The body must include these key-value pairs:
1. "email" : must meet the criteria "some-text@some-text.some-text"
2. "name" : first and last names split by a single space. Example: "John Doe"
3. "profileImage" : a profile image which is a valid URL link (starts with http:// or https://)
4. "password" : minimum length 4 characters
5. "city" : (a string that starts with 1 capital letter, the rest must be lowercase, no spaces)
6. "country": (a string that starts with 1 capital letter, the rest must be lowercase, no spaces)
7. "age": must be in the range [10-100] inclusive
8. "gender": a valid gender: ["male", "female"]
1.2. Login sub URL: "/login", payload: method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json', body: JSON.stringify(body),
The body must include these key-value pairs:
1. "email" : the email used when registered
2. "password" : the password used when registered
1.3. Logout sub URL: "/logout" (GET request), deletes the cookie and logs out
- Catalog: sub URL: "/catalog"
2.1 sub URL: "/" (GET request), returns all fragrances from the database
2.2 sub URL: "/reviews" (GET request), returns all fragrance reviews from the database
2.3 sub URL: "/search" (POST request) method: 'POST', headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json', body: search value entered by user (for example a fragrance brand or name)
returns all fragrances that have a name or brand that includes the input string
2.4 sub URL: "/create" (POST request)
IMPORTANT: you cannot create if you are not logged in
method: 'POST'
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(body).
The body must include these key-value pairs:
1. "name"
2. "brand"
3. "creator": (OPTIONAL)
4. "imageUrl" : Must start with http:// or https://
5. "topNotes" : (if multiple notes must be added split them by comma and a space!)
6. "middleNotes" : (if multiple notes must be added split them by comma and a space!)
7. "baseNotes" : (if multiple notes must be added split them by comma and a space!)
8. "author" : your user ID
returns an object { message: 'Successfully created!', user }
where user is updated user that now has the fragrance saved to his collection
2.5 sub URL: "/:fragranceID/details" method: GET no body required returns all fragrance information related to the id from the req.params
2.6 sub URL: "/:fragranceID/edit" where :fragranceID is the ID of the fragrance!!!
IMPORTANT: You cannot edit the fragrance if you are not it's creator!
method: POST
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
The body must include these key-value pairs:
1. "name"
2. "brand"
3. "creator": (OPTIONAL)
4. "imageUrl" : Must start with http:// or https://
5. "topNotes" : (if multiple notes must be added split them by comma and a space!)
6. "middleNotes" : (if multiple notes must be added split them by comma and a space!)
7. "baseNotes" : (if multiple notes must be added split them by comma and a space!)
8. "userId" : your user ID
returns the fragrance object after the changes
2.7 sub URL: "/:fragranceID/delete" where :fragranceID is the ID of the fragrance!!!
IMPORTANT - deleting a fragrance automatically deletes all reviews tied to that fragrance!
method: "POST"
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(body),
The body must include these key-value pairs:
1. "userId" : your user ID
! If you are not the creator the request WILL NOT SUCCEED. Same for the other CRUD operations !
returns { [req.params.fragranceId]: 'deleted', creator }
2.8 sub URL: "/:fragranceID/review/create" where :fragranceID is the ID of the fragrance!!!
IMPORTANT: The fragrance creator or a user that is not logged in cannot create a review
method: "POST"
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
The body must include these key-value pairs:
"rating": MUST BE A NUMBER!
"imageUrl": the same URL as the one with which the fragrance you are reviewing was created,
"fragranceName": the name of the fragrance (the exact same as when the fragrance was created)
"fragranceBrand": the brand of the fragrance (the exact same as when the fragrance was created)
"userId" : your user ID
returns res.json({ [req.params.fragranceId]: 'reviewed', creator });
2.9 sub URL: "/:fragranceID/review/edit" where :fragranceID is the ID of the fragrance!!!
IMPORTANT! - you must have already created a review to this fragranceID in order to be able to edit it!
method: POST
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
The body must include these key-value pairs:
"fragrance": id to the fragrance you are reviewing
"description": newly input description,
"rating": newly input rating,
"userId": your user ID
returns the fragrance of which you have edited the review
2.10 sub URL: ":fragranceID/review/delete" where :fragranceID is the ID of the fragrance!!!
IMPORTANT! - you must have already created a review to this fragranceID in order to be able to delete!
method: 'POST',
headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
The body must include these key-value pairs:
"userId": your userID
returns { [req.params.fragranceId]: 'deleted', user, fragrance }
Profile: sub URL: "/profile/:userID"
returns full information about the user with the corresponding id
About: sub URL: "/about"
returns { userCount, fragranceCount, reviewsCount } (statistics about the database collections)