WSPay Payment Integration for djangoSHOP.
Install using pip:
pip install djangoshop-wspay
Add the following to your settings:
INSTALLED_APPS += ['shop_wspay']
SHOP_CART_MODIFIERS += ['shop_wspay.modifiers.WSPayPaymentModifier']
SHOP_ORDER_WORKFLOWS += ['shop_wspay.payment.WSPayWorkflowMixin']
SHOP_DEFAULT_CURRENCY = 'HRK' # WSPay requires you to send amount in Croatian kuna.
SHOP_WSPAY_SHOP_ID = '<shopID>' # WSPay shop ID.
SHOP_WSPAY_SECRET_KEY = '<secretKey>' # WSPay secret key.
Additional settings with defaults:
SHOP_WSPAY_FORM_URL = '' # Set to '' for testing.
SHOP_WSPAY_PAYMENT_VIEW = False # Set if a separate payment view should be rendered before sending to wspay.
SHOP_WSPAY_CART_URL = SHOP_CART_URL = 'shop:cart-list' # Url of a cart, used to redirect in some cases.
SHOP_WSPAY_THANK_YOU_URL = SHOP_THANK_YOU_URL = None # Thank you url, if None latest order is used.
SHOP_WSPAY_COMMISION_PERCENTAGE = None # Set to add commision percentage for purchase via WSPay.
SHOP_WSPAY_MODIFIER_CHOICE_TEXT = 'WSPay' # Text displayed as a choice for selecting wspay payment.
SHOP_WSPAY_ERROR_MESSAGE = None # Message added to django messages framework if there's a transaction error.
SHOP_WSPAY_CANCEL_MESSAGE = None # Message added to django messages framework if transaction is canceled.
SHOP_WSPAY_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = None # Message added to django messages framework transaction is successful.