This is a project done through the Web and Software Architecture Course, taught at the Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza".
To access the project description, refer to the \doc\api.yaml file (ll. 8 - 31).
Please refer to following original commands:
If you're not using the WebUI, or if you don't want to embed the WebUI into the final executable, then:
go build ./cmd/webapi/
If you're using the WebUI and you want to embed it into the final executable:
# (here you're inside the NPM container)
npm run build-embed
# (outside the NPM container)
go build -tags webui ./cmd/webapi/
You can launch the backend only using:
go run ./cmd/webapi/
If you want to launch the WebUI, open a new tab and launch:
# (here you're inside the NPM container)
npm run dev
$ docker build -t wasa-photos-backend:latest -f Dockerfile.backend .
$ docker build -t wasa-photos-frontend:latest -f Dockerfile.frontend .
$ docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 wasa-photos-backend:latest
$ docker run -it --rm -p 8081:80 wasa-photos-frontend:latest
V1. Enrolling so to obtain an SSH Key.
V2. Main structure unfolded.
V3. OpenAPI built, extension of the file.
V4. Backend structure unfolded.
V5. Frontend structure unfolded.