In this repository you can find an implementation of Frangi method for computing a probability of vessel appearance from 3D CT DICOM image.
The main steps of app execution:
- reading 3D CT image in DICOM format by ITK (Insight ToolKit) librar
- image noise is smoothed by gaussian filter from ITK
- in parallel loop (OpenMP) it initializes:
- a central voxel
- its backward, forward and central nearest neighbours (26 ones)
- data structures for Hessian matrix (that corresponds the central voxel), eigenvector matrix and eigenvalue vector.
- solving the eigen problem
- computing vesselness function (see Frangi paper), i.e. a probability of that central voxel corresponds to a vessel
- writing an image with vesselness
Here is an image with vesselness. You may notice that hear is also detected.