SuperShop Online Store is an Online E-commerce application. SuperShop is a modern e-commerce application with all needs to run an E-commerce business.
Note : UI is under progress for some of the functionality of this application
- Register, Login and Logout
- Updating Profile
- Check all the available Products
- Add, update and remove products to/from cart
- Placing Order and Payment
- Tracking Order
- All customer operations
- Create customer, update and remove customer
- Managing categories
- Managing products
- Managing orders
- Check all the orders
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd SuperShop
//in another terminal window
cd super-shop-ui
Install maven
// if maven is not installed then instll maven wrapper
./mvnw install
//install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
// before starting the server 'spring.sql.init.mode=always' this line in file
// once server started successfuly then uncomment above commented line from and re run the server
// this way data.sql will be executed successfuly
./mvnw spring-boot:run
npm start
Backend: SpringBoot, Maven, Hibernate, MySql, MVC
Frontend: React, HTML, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS