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A Python client for the Ejabberd XMLRPC API
- Free software: MIT license
pip install pyejabberd
A big thanks to the contributors:
- Jim Cortez:
- Marek Kuziel:
from pyejabberd import EjabberdAPIClient
# Create a client and authenticate with elevated user ''
client = EjabberdAPIClient(host='localhost', port=5222, username='bob', password='p@$$wd', user_domain='',
# Test the connection by sending an echo request to the server
sentence = 'some random data'
result = client.echo(sentence)
assert result == sentence
# Get a list of users that are on the server
registered_users = client.registered_users('')
# result is in the format [{'username': 'bob', ...}]
# Register a new user
client.register(user='alice', host='', password='@l1cepwd')
# Change a password
client.change_password(user='alice', host='', newpass='newpwd')
# Verify password
assert client.check_password_hash(user='bob', host='', password='newpwd') is True
# Set nickname
client.set_nickname(user='bob', host='', nickname='Bob the builder')
# Get Bob's contacts
client.get_roster(user='bob', host='')
# Add Alice to Bob's contact group Friends
client.add_rosteritem(localuser='bob', localserver='', user='alice', server='', nick='Alice from Wonderland', group='Friends', subs='both')
# Delete Alice from Bob's contacts
client.delete_rosteritem(localuser='bob', localserver='', user='alice', server='')
# Get list of *all* connected users
# Get list of *all* connected users and information about their sessions
# Get number of connected users
# Get information for all sessions for a user
client.user_sessions_info(user="jim", host=""):
# Get muc rooms
muc_online_rooms = client.muc_online_rooms()
# result is in the format ['room1@conference', ...] where 'conference' is the muc service name
# Create a muc room
client.create_room(name='room1', service='conference', host='')
# Get room options
room_options = client.get_room_options(name='room1', service='conference')
# Set room option
from pyejabberd.muc.enums import MUCRoomOption
client.change_room_option(name='room1', service='conference', option=MUCRoomOption.public, value=False)
client.change_room_option(name='room1', service='conference', option=MUCRoomOption.members_only, value=True)
# Set room affiliation
from pyejabberd.muc.enums import Affiliation
client.set_room_affiliation(name='room1', service='conference', jid='', affiliation=Affiliation.member)
# Get room affiliations
affiliations = client.get_room_affiliations(name='room1', service='conference')
# Destroy a muc room
client.destroy_room(name='room1', service='conference', host='')
# Unregister a user
client.unregister(user='alice', host='')
To run the all tests run: