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DEV: switch amd64 builds to debian-12 runners #2408

DEV: switch amd64 builds to debian-12 runners

DEV: switch amd64 builds to debian-12 runners #2408

Workflow file for this run

- main
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
group: build-${{ format('{0}-{1}', github.head_ref || github.run_number, github.job) }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timestamp: ${{ steps.timestamp.outputs.timestamp }}
- id: timestamp
run: |
timestamp=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`
echo "timestamp=$timestamp"
echo "timestamp=$timestamp" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# `debian-12` for amd64 builds
# `ubuntu-22.04-8core-arm` for arm64 non-scheduled builds
# `ubuntu-22.04-2core-arm` for arm64 scheduled builds
runs-on: ${{ (matrix.arch == 'amd64' && 'testing') || ((github.event_name == 'schedule' && '-8core-arm') || '-2core-arm') }}
arch: [amd64, arm64]
timeout-minutes: ${{ (github.event_name == 'schedule' && 90) || ((matrix.arch == 'arm64' && 45) || 30) }}
needs: timestamp
TIMESTAMP: ${{ needs.timestamp.outputs.timestamp }}
image: registry:2
- 5000:5000
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 1
- name: build deps image
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb base_deps_${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: build slim image for `main` branch
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb base_slim_main_${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: tag slim image for `main` branch
run: |
docker tag discourse/base:build_slim_main_${{ matrix.arch }} discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: build slim image for `stable` branch
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb base_slim_stable_${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: build release images for `main` branch
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb base_release_main_${{ matrix.arch }}
# Temporarily build images with PG 15 so that we can ship the changes to the postgres templates in the same PR.
- name: build release images for `main` branch with PG 15
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb base_release_main_${{ matrix.arch }}_pg_15
- name: build release images for `stable` branch
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb base_release_stable_${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: tag release images
run: |
docker tag discourse/base:build_release_main_${{ matrix.arch }} discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}
docker tag discourse/base:build_release_main_${{ matrix.arch }}_pg_15 discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}-pg-15
docker tag discourse/base:build_release_stable_${{ matrix.arch }} discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable-${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: build test_build image for `main` branch
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb discourse_test_build_${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: run specs for `main` branch
run: |
docker run --rm -e RUBY_ONLY=1 -e USE_TURBO=1 -e SKIP_PLUGINS=1 -e SKIP_LINT=1 discourse/discourse_test:build_${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: build & tag dev image for `main` branch
working-directory: image
run: |
ruby auto_build.rb discourse_dev_${{ matrix.arch }}
docker tag discourse/discourse_dev:build_${{ matrix.arch }} discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: Print summary
run: |
docker images discourse/base
- name: Print `docker history` summary for main branch image
run: |
docker history discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}
- name: Print compressed summary
if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' && matrix.arch == 'amd64'
run: |
# Push to local repo to compare sizes
docker tag discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-${{ matrix.arch }} localhost:5000/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-${{ matrix.arch }}
docker tag discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }} localhost:5000/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}
docker push --quiet localhost:5000/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-${{ matrix.arch }}
docker push --quiet localhost:5000/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}
# multi-arch manifest is an array of schemas - [0] is amd64, [1] is arch64: Compare amd64.
CURRENT_SLIM=$(docker manifest inspect -v discourse/base:slim | jq -r '.[0].SchemaV2Manifest.layers[] | .size / 1024 / 1024 | .*100 | round/100' | awk '{print $0; sum+= $0}; END {print sum}' | tail -n 1)
CURRENT_RELEASE=$(docker manifest inspect -v discourse/base:release | jq -r '.[0].SchemaV2Manifest.layers[] | .size / 1024 / 1024 | .*100 | round/100' | awk '{print $0; sum+= $0}; END {print sum}' | tail -n 1)
NEW_SLIM=$(docker manifest inspect -v --insecure localhost:5000/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-${{ matrix.arch }} | jq -r '.SchemaV2Manifest.layers[] | .size / 1024 / 1024 | .*100 | round/100' | awk '{print $0; sum+= $0}; END {print sum}' | tail -n 1)
NEW_RELEASE=$(docker manifest inspect -v --insecure localhost:5000/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }} | jq -r '.SchemaV2Manifest.layers[] | .size / 1024 / 1024 | .*100 | round/100' | awk '{print $0; sum+= $0}; END {print sum}' | tail -n 1)
echo "current slim: ${CURRENT_SLIM}MB release: ${CURRENT_RELEASE}MB. new slim: ${NEW_SLIM}MB release: ${NEW_RELEASE}MB"
# - name: push to dockerhub
# if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
# env:
# run: |
# docker login --username discoursebuild --password $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD
# docker push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-${{ matrix.arch }}
# docker push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}
# docker push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }}-pg-15
# docker push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable-${{ matrix.arch }}
# docker push discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
# - name: Push discourse/base:aarch64 image for backwards compatibility
# if: (github.ref == 'refs/heads/main') && (matrix.arch == 'arm64')
# run: |
# docker tag discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-${{ matrix.arch }} discourse/base:aarch64
# docker push discourse/base:aarch64
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [base, timestamp]
TIMESTAMP: ${{ needs.timestamp.outputs.timestamp }}
if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
- name: create and push multi-arch manifests
run: |
docker login --username discoursebuild --password ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}
# Slim timestamped
docker manifest create discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-amd64 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-arm64
# Slim release
docker manifest create discourse/base:slim \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-amd64 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim-arm64
# Full Discourse `main` branch timestamped
docker manifest create discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }} \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-amd64 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-arm64
# Full Discourse `main` branch timestamped with PG 15
docker manifest create discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-15 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-amd64-pg-15 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-arm64-pg-15
# Full Discourse `stable` branch timestamped
docker manifest create discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable-amd64 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable-arm64
# Full Discourse `main` branch release
docker manifest create discourse/base:release \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-amd64 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-main-arm64
# Full Discourse `stable` branch release
docker manifest create discourse/base:release-stable \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable-amd64 \
-a discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable-arm64
# Dev timestamped
docker manifest create discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }} \
-a discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-amd64 \
-a discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-arm64
# Dev release
docker manifest create discourse/discourse_dev:release \
-a discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-amd64 \
-a discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-arm64
docker manifest push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-slim
docker manifest push discourse/base:slim
docker manifest push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}
docker manifest push discourse/base:2.0.${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}-stable
docker manifest push discourse/base:release
docker manifest push discourse/base:release-stable
docker manifest push discourse/discourse_dev:${{ env.TIMESTAMP }}
docker manifest push discourse/discourse_dev:release
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04${{ ((github.event_name != 'schedule') && '-8core') || '' }}
timeout-minutes: 30
needs: base
working-directory: image/discourse_test
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 1
- name: build discourse_test:slim
run: |
docker buildx build . --load \
--build-arg from_tag=slim \
--target base \
--tag discourse/discourse_test:slim
- name: build discourse_test:slim-browsers
run: |
docker buildx build . --load \
--build-arg from_tag=slim \
--target with_browsers \
--tag discourse/discourse_test:slim-browsers
- name: build discourse_test:release
run: |
docker buildx build . --load \
--build-arg from_tag=release \
--target release \
--tag discourse/discourse_test:release
- name: Print summary
run: |
docker images discourse/discourse_test
# - name: push to dockerhub
# if: success() && (github.ref == 'refs/heads/main')
# env:
# run: |
# docker login --username discoursebuild --password $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD
# docker push discourse/discourse_test:slim
# docker push discourse/discourse_test:slim-browsers
# docker push discourse/discourse_test:release